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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2014
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Think I probably should do a little intro on myself since I been on the forum and jumping in like I'm a oldie here :lol: these last few days. So hello from over here in frozen Illinois. I live in Pekin, IL which is just a hop and skip over from the more well known city of Peoria, IL. Married to my high school sweetie and we have two boys whom are 11 and 13. We also can not forget to include our fur babies- our Pug Cassie (aka "Pug Lady") and also our male and female rabbit. Yeap that one was a surprise since we were told they were the same sex. So as crazy as it sounds yes our female rabbit Bunnicula was just spayed on Valentines Day. Did you even know they do that to rabbits? My mom about fainted when I told her the price for that one...but hey her and her love Snowball can once again live together in one cage which means only one cage of poop for me to clean and not two anymore yippee!!! ;) Yeap I'm a crazy one! If you have not figured that one out yet then there was your warning ha ha. Lets see mmm I LOVE almost all things related to the paranormal and seem to be the go to girly for spooky related questions from my friends. Oh what else??? Oh I just became a second degree Reiki practitioner. My health lead me to that one since I have searched low and high and tried it all to rid myself of my pain and fix my sleep disorder. My sleep disorder is rare and called Idiopathic Hypersomnia which in a nut shell means I have excessive daytime sleepiness and can sleep (dead to the world and unable to wake me) on average for 15-18 hours. I been known to go 30 hours more than a few times. So to complicate things more I also have Fibromyalgia and all the joys and funs that come along with it. I also have a few other co-existing pain conditions but we will be here all day if I start to throw down my diagnoses. Been having pains since I was little and so its kind of my norm and do not know any different. In some ways I think I am glad mine did not onset later in life. Mine did get worse though in my early twenties. Well I feel like a Donna Downer there but pain is a big part of who I am I guess. My husband will tell you I am a pain though :p So this leads me to why I am here. I love to craft but had to stop a lot of it as my health declined mainly with my sleep disorder. That and I became super sensitive to so many things in the world I can hardly use anything that is synthetic. It is hard to find good soap that is not loaded with chemicals and irritants! What you can find commercially speaking smells worse than I would unbathed so ewww. I hope to make some good chatting buds here and hope I can help people out too...think initially it will be me sucking in the help but my goal is to absorb the soap knowledge like a sponge and hopefully be able to wring it out on a newbie later on too and sharing the love. So I am happy to be here and looking forward to chatting it up. :wave:

I must admit, I read that and could hear a Calamity Jane voice, so that is how I will always read your posts :D

LOL I am not as good with a gun but hey I can roll with the similarity as she has a eventful life and mine is Although I am not a cowgirl though hee hee. Tomboy yes!!!
Hi, and Welcome!

I am on the soaking up/starting to wring out part of that learning process you so aptly described! I can see that you are going to fit right in!