Newbie looking for natural colorants, scents, and additives

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Feb 27, 2011
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Newbie here! Made my first batch of soap last night. Since I'm impatient and we're running out of soap at home, I made hot process in a double boiler. I know I'm supposed to wait around 24 hours, but, no zap, and it was relatively hard after cooling, so I used it! Success! Unscented, boring soap, and I'm ecstatic!

Since I've chosen a base recipe, I'll be experimenting with various natural additives and I'm looking for suggestions. I don't have money to invest in mica powders and essential oils at the moment, so I'd like to see what I can to with more "mundane" or common household substances.

All input is welcome! Hoping to meet some great soapers here!
How about tea? I've wanted to try that for awhile and there are so many nice herbal teas to choose from..

I have some berry teas that might impart some pretty colors (provided they don't all turn brown). So unless someone warns me, I think I'm going to try that today.
Re: Teas

Spacepuff said:
I have some berry teas that might impart some pretty colors (provided they don't all turn brown). So unless someone warns me, I think I'm going to try that today.
Teas will turn brown over time. You will have better luck using clays for color.
To tea or not to tea

Thank you for the welcome and the warning. I didn't use any tea yesterday, but I still plan to. Even if it does turn brown after a while, it will still be enjoyable in the interim (I hope). I used grapefruit zest and cocoa powder yesterday for a swirl effect, and possibly smell. It smells like soap. And it looks like more marbly then swirly. It's actually quite pretty, but doesn't smell that great. I realized yesterday that I never knew what soap really smelled like since everything I've ever used has been scented in some way. I see why...
Welcome! Paprika infused oil is deep orange (don't use a lot or it'll be irritating), sage is a muted army green, tumeric is yellow/orange, cocoa powder is a nice deep brown. For scents, you'll want to get essential or fragrance oils, everything else is "killed" by the process.
Hi there. Here are my suggestions

Oatmeal adds exfoliant to the soap
Annatto Seed will turn the soap a yellow orange
Calendula may turn the soap a light yellow
Alkanet turns the soap a purple color
Cocoa Powder a chocolate brown
Different Clays - Pink,French Green, Rhassoul
Seaweed will turn it green

You can pick up these items at your locoal Natural Foods COOP
Experiment: Cocoa powder and grapefruit infusion

Thank you for the suggestions :) I've tried the cocoa powder and had wonderful results with the color. I took about 1/4 of the batch out while it was hot and mixed in about a teaspoon of cocoa powder. Then I put it back in and folded it gently. I was so happy when I unmolded it found it had actually swirled.

Although the color turned out, my attempt at adding natural fragrance failed :( I tried to infuse grapefruit zest. First, overnight in a tablespoon of olive oil, then melted into the oils for about 30 minutes before mixing in the lye water. I added more zest into the superfat as well, but it doesn't smell like grapefruit at all. I have found some tiny orange specs and the soap is more orange overall.

My next try with infusion will be with some oils that have been sitting for over a week now. I'm trying to be patient and give them as much time as I can.
Natural stuff that is easy to find and cheap to use:

Baby food puree at no more than 1 T ppo will give you color - try carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato. I've heard some people have even tried banana.

I have used fresh avocado puree (same ratio) and pureed cucumber (blend and then strain out the solid bits) in an unscented soap and it's lovely.

You can use honey at 1 t to 1 T PPO and a light honey scent will remain. But be careful to add it to room temperature lye mixture. If it's hot, you risk a lye volcano.

Tomato paste or juice

Coconut milk

Herbal teas as liquid with the contents of the tea bag as gentle exfoliant. Nearly all will turn some shade of brown over time as does mint, lavender, etc. Parsley stays green though.

Annatto seeds added to your lye water or steeped in warm oils makes a pretty orange.

If you try coffee, make sure it's cool before you add the lye or it will stink. Better yet, mix a little instant in some water and add it separately when you mix your lye and oils. The coffee smell won't remain but caffeine is supposed to be good for your skin.

Citrus zest scent won't survive the saponification process.

comfrey or nettle steeped in liquid oil makes a pretty green.

@judy - Thank you so much! Those were the suggestions I was looking for. I will probably try all of them at some point :) Except more tea, unless I find one that makes me incredibly curious.

I tried a chamomile vanilla blend tea and it smelled awful! The finished soap has just a tinge of the disgusting smell that was created when I added the lye to the tea. It's not unpleasant now, thank goodness. Only to me since I remember the full pungent effect. That was an oatmeal soap, so I'll be updating another thread with results pertaining to the oatmeal. Overall, the soap turned out nicely. I'm waiting for it to darken since there was vanilla in there, but so far it's rather light.[/img]
judymoody said:
Natural stuff that is
If you try coffee, make sure it's cool before you add the lye or it will stink.
it'll stink anyway. but the stink fades either way.

natural greens fade - beware sunshine.
I think turmeric powder makes a nice deep orange.. I think it looks great with earthy, woodsy scents. I do noticed tho that I have to sb it to a nice medium-thick trace or I will have soap that gets slightly darker from the top down..

Not that I am recommending walmart or anything ;) but this gives you a price - two ounces for $1 ... z/10535070

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