Newbie from UK

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New Member
Dec 27, 2014
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Hey guys,

So far I've made around 5 basic cold process batches (Olive/Coconut/Castor Oil mix) since Nov. I've been experimenting with EO's, dried herbs etc and I even used beer on my 3rd attempt. So far I've been lucky and everything has worked which is a shock - except that one time I tried milk...!! :thumbup: Getting a little addicted now. I swapped out using regular shampoo/conditioner in the Summer so came to the conclusion I should just make my own soap.
Other than that I do a bit of calligraphy writing, taxidermy, general artsy crafty stuff while looking after my two children :cool:

Looking forward to hearing what everybody else is experimenting with.
Anybody else have any early day disasters?!
Welcome to the forum. I'm sure you'll find tons of "experiments" going on around here. :)

I've always been pretty lucky with the disasters. Probably should find some wood to knock on, now that I've jinxed myself.
Welcome, SoapAndGory! :)

Hmmm.... early soaping very first soap was lye heavy and shattered in pieces when cut, and my second soap was a soft DOS-disaster. Thankfully, my third attempt was a success, and I've been hooked ever since.

IrishLass :)

Just so you know, there is a soap company called soap and glory. Not sure if there might be confusion!

I think most of us have had.....'learning experiences' during our soaping time. They are only mistakes if you don't learn from them

Welcome, SoapandGory! And Happy New Year! Looking forward to connecting with you here on the forum. I'm new here as well. How did your Beer soap turn out? Pictures? It's one of my next recipes to try.

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