Hi. I am new here, I have made Glycerin soaps in the past with the melt and pour method. However I have never attempted lye soap. I am interested in the rebatching method though. Can you use store bought soap to rebatch? Ive heard many a horror story on using Ivory Soap, are there any alternatives? Sounds like fun, think I would like to try with the rebatching before I jump into the lye method.
I've read that story! And I'm glad I did as I was wondering if I'd go out and buy a bar and try it... Thanks to your experiment you saved me having a big mess here at home! lol
@ mommanelda,
I believe for rebatching you'll need CP soap.
So far I've also only used the M&P method and want to take the plunge into CP soaping. Let's just do the 'jump' together! With all the help from the pros here it can't go wrong, can it? :wink: