My hubby's cracked!

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Hazel said:
If you need something quckly - have you ever heard of bag balm? It's used on cows' udders to stop them from cracking. My fingers used to crack terribly in the winter and I used to use it to help. It's antiseptic and would coat my hands to help with moisture. I stopped using it awhile back since I don't get the severe cracking like I did back then. I'm sure it's still available in case your husband fusses about using your soap and girly stuff. :lol: I used to buy it at Walmart.

I had a neighbor who swore by Bag Balm- used it all the time and loved it. And the father of a friend of mine loves Corn Husker's Lotion.

IrishLass :)
I was also going to mention Corn Husker's (I also used to use it) but I've heard it's no longer being manufactured. I don't know if this is true but I decided not to mention it.

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