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Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2012
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Hi everyone,
I'm making a face soap that will contain neem oil, so I'd like to use face safe essential oils to help mask the odor of the neem. I've been all over the internet researching & I'd like to use frankincense EO & blend it with either lemon or bergamot EO, but I haven't come across any info that says whether or not bergamot is safe for faces. I'd also like to know if I have to use bergaptene free bergamot for soaps. Can someone let me know if these EOs would work in a face soap or suggest a blend? I'd also appreciate it if someone could recommend a good reference book on EOs that I could treat myself to for Christmas. Thanks in advance!

I just saw the post on Book Help, I'm going to look on half.com for those, any other suggestions would still be appreciated!
What type of skin do you have...or what results are you looking for? I wouldn't use Lemon EO. Bergaptene Free Bergamot should be ok...the Bergaptene is what makes your skin photosensitive after use, which is the main issue with Bergamot. Frankincense is a good choice. Patchouli, Juniper and Geranium are also good choices, depending on your skin type and sensitivity level. I use a blend of Carrot Seed, Rosewood, and Palmarosa blend with a base of Jojoba, Rosehip Seed, and Almond Oil on my own (dry) skin, and it works great.

As for books, look for authors like: Robert Tisserand, Kurt Schnaubelt, Valerie Ann Worwood, or Julia Lawless.
Thanks! I have crazy skin. This time of year I have a slightly oily forehead & chin with dry areas under my eyes. I wanted to make a combination skin soap, something that everyone in the house could use. Also, I have a girlfriend who is looking for a facial soap to give to a coworker with acne issues. The recipe I'm considering using is a bastille with mango butter, babassu oil & 2-3% neem oil. As I'm still in the creation phase of this recipe, I'm on the fence right now about using clay or what kind if I do decide to use it.
Juniper, Geranium, Carrot Seed, Myrrh, Chamomile and Lavender would be some good Essential Oils to research for acne. Tea Tree and Eucalyptus are popular for acne too. However, you would get better results in a leave on treatment instead of soap. Your best bet with soap is something with gentle cleansing and maybe gentle exfoliation. Kaolin Clay would be okay.
I find that sometimes, like with medicine, what works doesn't always smell (or taste) good :lol: Carrot Seed Oil is very "medicinal" smelling, but it is so beneficial for the skin! Juniper and Geranium smell nice and work well for oilier skin.