how to melt palm oil in 50# bucket

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Mar 11, 2011
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I received my order from Columbus Oils this week. Instead of getting the homogenized palm that I ordered I got the 50#pail. It needs to be melted and stirred before using. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to get that much oil in that bucket melted and stirred? Help! Please.
If it is warm where you live, set it in your car out in the sun. It is still cold here, but we have baseboard heaters. I just got a 3 gallon bucket of palm oil that I am going to set by my baseboad heater.
Oh god, I just went through this exact same thing. 50# pail of palm from columbus.

With a smaller pail, I had used my utility sink in the laundry room filled with hot water, but the heat sink of a 50# pail would mean more frequent changes of water, I figured. If you have a fairly big utility sink and you'll be home, you could certainly try that.

I put mine in the bathtub with the hottest water from the faucet and I also ran my space heater in the bathroom with the door closed so it would stay really warm. I did have to occasionally change the water. It took forever to melt and it was only after an overnight that I had enough to pour off into another 35 # pail so I could work with them both. Once they were melted, it then took forever for them to completely cool down and I stirred all dang day without them starting to solidify. I ended up putting them in the garage to cool down more quickly and stirred them as often as I could before I had to go to sleep. Royal pain.

I LOVE the idea of the car in the sun, but it's currently too cold for such a thing where I am, most unfortunately. If you can wait, it would sure be easier than the hot water method.

may patience be with you
I already had the gallon containers from Columbus that were placed in hot water on the stove...took a long time to get it all melted. Years ago (10 or so) I ordered a drum of Palm from Columbus Foods and never melted the contents before using it. This was news to me that Palm needed to be melted before using.
I opened my pail and could see that it looks like it had separated. It was too hard for me to stir, so I guess I will be melting and stirring tomorrow.
It seems to be universally recommended. If you got it during the cooler months and it seems never to have separated, maybe you don't need to do this. I had the 35# pail of palm from BB that I never melted and stirred and it worked great until I got close to the bottom. Then it had streaks of stearic acid, which caused aesthetic problems with the soaps, so I now melt and stir.
You ordered the No Stir in a box and they sent you a bucket?

I'd give them a call, I've never had an order messed up, but they've always had fabulous customer service and I'm sure they'd do what ever they could to make it right.

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