How not to mix colors

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Jan 25, 2013
Reaction score
Sunshine State
Hi everyone,

New here. Had to share this soap I made a few days back.
It was my first time using (Lab Colors) from bramble berry.
I assumed because it came in a liquid state it would be smooth and
not require premixing with oils or glycerin. I was wrong lol.

Question is because its only the colored swirls do you think it's incorporated into the design or an obvious oops bar? It's a really nice bar of soap. Super smooth texture and the scent is to die for. (Rio Rumberry) from crafters choice.
Be honest would you buy this knowing it has an oops? I have 14 bars of this and bunch of samples.

Every soap is so different. It looks great. If I were just being critical, I might say the colors are a bit blocked, but color blocking is a big thing right now.
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I think it looks great. The only thing I would check is how the blobs of concentrated color do in the bath. Do they make a big mess of color on everything? If not, sell away. I'd buy it, but don't tell customers it's a mistake!
Oh, and I would think you would have to mix LabColors with water not oil. Aren't they water based? Can you just add the color to your soap and stick blend it? I've never had problems with water based dyes that way.
I think this looks fun. It's super cute and if you didn't tell me "That was an accident" I would buy it! If you make the point of telling people something is a mistake, they will wonder what else is wrong with it. If you feel badly baout selling it full price, cut them in half and give them away as a sample gift with purchases. Otherwise, sell away because they are great!
I obviously don't have a clue what to do with lab colors lol
I would have mixed them in a cup with some of oils then add glycerin next time.
Makes since tho to mix with discounted water because its super concentrated.

I've been mixing my micas in oil and glycerin too. I don't get the specs with the micas. I know the ultra marines need to be mixed with water.

I named this soap "Rio Berries" in the red swirl I added 2 tablespoons of fresh strawberry purée to the raw soap.

TY all for the compliments.
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Mistakes are in the eyes of the maker usually. No one else knows it isn't as you imagined it when you made it if they don't make soap too. One time I went to a farmers market and one of the stalls had tiny cantaloupe melons. They were only about the size of baseballs or softballs, not cantaloupe size at all. They had marked them at a lower price because they were so small, they didn't sell. They decided to call them gourmet cantaloupes, jack the price and up and they didn't have enough for the demand - moral of the story - marketing makes a difference.
Are you diluting the labcolors with water (distiller) first or using them in their concentrated form? There is a warning that if used undiluted they make speckle. I always dilute mine according to the directions and have been pretty successful using them that way.
Mine didn't come with any direction. I didn't see anything on the bottle either.
I just "winged it" never have used them before. I know now for next time tho.

I just used it straight out of the bottle.
The soap queen has a youtube video for exactly how to dilute them if you havent found the exact directions yet.

I think they look cool. Although i would be worried about it staining towels since the color is so much more concentrated than its supposed to..but thats only knowing what happened, not because of how they look.
Wow ~so I just finished reading about diluting the lab colors. Totally dropped the ball with this one. Really wish I had looked harder for info on usage before soaping 4 lbs of oils ~and such a delicious scent. :::Sighs lesson learned I guess.
Still going to use the soap tho and maybe sell (depending on performance).

Those of you that know how to use Lab Colors can you just mix a little with water as you need it? Or is it best just to premix the entire bottle at once and use when needed?
I have the 10 ml little bottles so she suggests to dilute with 2-4 ounces of water.
A take it a little goes a long way with this product when it hits raw soap?

Those of you who diluted lab colors how are you storing them?
Do any of you prefer micas over Lab Colors.
I have heard of Lab Colors bleeding into soap as they cure.
TY~ for all the wisdom and advice.
There was a bit of a learning curve for me, too, with the LabColors, but now I really like them. They can bleed a bit, but I like the look so it doesn't bother me. If I want to make sure bleeding does not occur, I just use a mica or pigment. I premix mine and store them in the fridge. Remember to discount your lye water based on how much of the mixture you are using :)
I think they look good! When i first looked at the picture before reading what went wrong... i was like "WHAT went wrong?" lol
TY ~everyone.
Such a compliment Rock&Royality I guess we are each our own
worse critic. I'm super picky when it comes to getting it right, I think a lot of us are that way. FO and EO are too expensive to have soap on a stick even occasionally.

If this is the worse ~oops I have I suppose I'm not doing so bad huh.

Kersten (I have a Kiersten who is 16) BTW <3
Yep got to remember to discount water.

I feel like I discount a lot of water
as it is. I discount for ~titianum dioxide/heavy cream/sodium lactate in every batch of soap I make. I'm a discounting fool it seems. I feel like "have a little bit of water with your lye kinda gal" lol but the good news is, most of the time my soap just falls out of
the loaf molds no problem at all the next day ready to cut. I don't gel my soap or cpop either. So hopefully I'm doing something right.
Personally I think the soap is really neat looking, but I totally understand what it's like not getting the look you were going for. It drives me crazy, too, even if the end soap looks ok...I'm still always a bit bummed that my plan didn't pan-out. And good for you for spelling the name in a way people can get right, LOL. I always wished my mom would have spelt in with the "ie" because Nobody EVER gets it right :/ I mention the water discount because for some colors like red you have to add quite a bit to get the desired shade and the first time I ended up with some very, very mushy soap. Other colors, though, not so much a problem.

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