How do you handle this - people trying to pay you?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2010
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Right now I have an issue that I'm not sure how to deal with -

I have given away some soaps and other little bath items to family mostly, and a couple of very close friends who I trust not to sue me, lol.

My MIL loved one of my soaps so much, that she has asked me to make her an entire batch of it - she has stopped using other soaps and I have given her 3 bars already, and she wants more.

She offered to pay for it, I said, no that's fine, if you'll just pay for the EO to scent it, that'll be fine for me.
The thing is, she wants me to sort of be her supplier - this IS costing me money for materials, but I'd feel like an ass asking her to actually pay for the soaps.

Same sort of situation - my aunt wants me to make lotion bars for her, and is offering to pay for them. She's my AUNT - she's known me since I was a tiny baby and would do just about anything for me, how can I say "yes" and let her pay for these? I would feel ridiculous.

And now my close friends are also asking me for more soap, and are asking me to try a certain scent or to make a new thing for them. How can I say, sure, but I'll need you to pay for the cost of making it.

What do you do / would you do in this situation?
don't feel like an ass - take the money. if you don't want to profit from your generosity than charge them what it cost you to make it.
I am a newbie.. I have also given soaps and bathbombs to try out.. A few of these people have come back wanting more for gifts. I take the money they offer. It is real fun making the soap but it costs a lot of money. Any money that I have been given goes into buying new supplies..
take the money. sounds like you make great soap which people are very willing to pay for.
I think it depends on the situation. I have a deal w/ close friends, if I give it to you, it is a gift. If you order it, you plan to pay but at my perfered customer rate.

If it goes to someone who does me favors I don't charge anything. I made 50 wedding favors for my neice. When she asked what I owed her I told her nothing she could just do me a favor someday. Hopefully she will be able to watch my dog when we go on vacation this summer.

I don't charge my mom, MIL, grandma, etc though they all try. I have told them if thy expect to pay me for soap I will inturn have to pay them for baby sitting and other such favors that IMHO fall into the realm of family favors.
Tabitha said:
I think it depends on the situation. I have a deal w/ close friends, if I give it to you, it is a gift. If you order it, you plan to pay but at my perfered customer rate.

If it goes to someone who does me favors I don't charge anything. I made 50 wedding favors for my neice. When she asked what I owed her I told her nothing she could just do me a favor someday. Hopefully she will be able to watch my dog when we go on vacation this summer.

I don't charge my mom, MIL, grandma, etc though they all try. I have told them if thy expect to pay me for soap I will inturn have to pay them for baby sitting and other such favors that IMHO fall into the realm of family favors.

That is pretty much the way I do it too :)

and if they order a special colour/FO/EO I also sell the entire log, not just a few bars.
I give family a discounted price, cause they keep coming back for more! my daughters free of course.
Many people are uncomfortable getting something so good for nothing. If they offer to pay, I let them help cover the cost of supplies. If they want soap to give as gifts, I let them pay me. So some friends pay me, and others don't.
well this gives me some good insight! I hate taking money from people but I guess sometimes that's just how it has to be.

everyone else feel free to share what you do in this situation!
I give soap to my family and close friends. Many people have asked to buy it and I simply state that I cannot sell it because I am not insured. I would not object if they offered to give me a bottle of olive oil, a tub of lard or some usable product but that hasn't happened yet. :wink:

And off topic but I did check into insurance so that I could sell my soap but it was outrageously expensive for what I had in mind. Guess I'll stick to gifting.
I charge my family just enough to "support my habit". That way I can at least make enough to continue to make it. Plus my family are perfectly fine with taking the bars which have small flaws. It is a great way to get rid of those that aren't as pretty, but I don't loose any money on them either.

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