Hello from BC, Canada!

Soapmaking Forum

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Active Member
Oct 5, 2013
Reaction score
British Columbia, Canada
Hi, everyone! I've been lurking around here for a while, and been a huge fan of soap for even longer. I've yet to make even a single bar, but until I can afford it, I'm gathering as much knowledge and inspiration as I can.

I really like this forum so far, as the atmosphere is very friendly, relaxed, and open. I'm not afraid to be an obvious newbie here, haha.

Also, a question for everyone: I cook a lot - how similar would you say making soap (and other products) is to cooking? Do you develop that instinct that goes beyond recipes to where you're able to tweak and improvise as you go, or is that too dangerous with something like soap?

Hello and welcome! :wave:

JMO, but I think making soap is a lot like cooking. As with most everything, the more you know of the basics, about oil properties, familiarity with your recipes, fragrances, etc; the more you'll be able to handle issues and improvise if it is needed. I prefer to plan everything out; however, sometimes things happen and you have to improvise - very quickly, too. If it doesn't work out...well, most batches can be saved and/or rebatched. :lol:

You just want to make sure to double check the lye amount if you have to change amounts or substitute an oil.