General EO question??

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Active Member
Nov 30, 2011
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Is there a rule of thumb regarding how much EO to use in a recipe? Or a general reference page somewhere? For instance, I want to do a batch with lavender EO, but want to be sure I use enough without using too much.

(Or if this is something one of the calculators could help with, could someone please explain to me how to use those/read them instead of just telling me to use it?)
*sigh* What is PPO? I tried searching for it and of course, got 41 pages or something of results. I tried google and got financial stuff.

Is there a primer of terms/abbreviations anywhere?
I usually use .5-.7 oz PPO, depending on what I am using.

However, if you ever get to the point where you want to know if you are using safe (as determined by IFRA, which may or may not be the same thing as actually safe) amounts of essential oils, you could always use the snazzy essential oil calculator I made!
THANK YOU so much for the links.

@Soapy Gurl - Thank you! I'm trying hard to follow along, but sometimes it's not so easy! ;-)