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Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2011
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Hi guys. So cool to find this place. I have always loved bar soap (and other body products), but just recently read up about making them. Have my first batch of coconut based soap cooling in a mold (just a tupperware container, sigh) right now, but can't wait to try and make more.

Also, it didn't smell too good when I poured it - is that normal? I don't believe I burned it or anything, and it was pretty mashed potato-ish when i glopped it into the mold so I'm hoping I had the timing right...
I think in retrospect I might have burned a bit of the soap. There was the tiniest bit of charring in the bottom of the pan, but you can't see it in any of the finished soap.

I used 100% coconut oil with a 20% superfat. I made a second batch last night, but I think I'm going to experiment with olive oil today.

It was hot process, but I think I may have had the heat up too high. I cooked it for about 20 minutes, stirring the whole time, until it was like mashed potatoes, at which point I added the superfatting oil.

I watched a video last night, though, and she went much more slowly than I did, and got her soap to a really nice thick but smooth consistency before she glopped it into the mold. Am I cooking too fast??
Instead of direct HP process, I would pour your soap into an oven safe mold and let it gel in the oven on low instead. Less chance of scorching.
Thank you for the advice :) Do you think a baking pan would do, or would the aluminum interact with the lye??
Thanks, Irena. I'll start looking for some. :) I just showered with a piece from my first batch, and the lather is incredible and i feel squeaky clean but... not much coconut smell. :(
Soapsugoii said:
Thanks, Irena. I'll start looking for some. :) I just showered with a piece from my first batch, and the lather is incredible and i feel squeaky clean but... not much coconut smell. :(
You're welcome. Unless you use coconut fragrance, you won't get much of a smell from just virgin coconut oil.
Ahhh, good to know. Thank you :) I made an olive oil batch today and it smells WONDERFUL.

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