Dragon's Blood - Bramble Berry

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Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2010
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I never really went for Dragon's Blood FO. My Son talked me into buying it and it sat in my cupboard for the longest time. I decided to use it up and I am still not sure I like the fragrance.

I used Black Oxide & Titanium. The dark beige is discolouring from the fragrance.I thought it needed a wild look to match the name. :wink:
I soaped Dragons Blood FO, hated it. Then I tried it in candles, loved it! It was one of my favorite candles.
Very nice!

I bought Dragon's Blood FO from WSP for my nephew and found I like the scent. I was originally using it in hemp MP and just used the last of the hemp soap last night. I wanted to finish it off because from now on I'll be making hemp soap either CP or HP.

It's funny how people have a different idea on coloring Dragon's Blood. My idea for the color is deep red.
The soap turned out great - it looks fantastic.

I have a love/hate relationship with Dragonsblood too. It's not my favorite musky scent (I'd take straight Patchouli over it any day) but yes, in candles, it is delightful and in lotions, I like it better than soap. =)

Either way, your soap turned out fantastic looking.