Don't know where to put this question?!?!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2009
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Hi all

I was just asked to pitch a tent at a small event my church is weekend. I have several batches curing but they will not be ready. Is it tacky to still sell them but have a note that says something like " this soap is handmade and would be best used after (date) " and/or should I cut the few bars I have cured in halves and pass them out as samples to drum up business for the holidays?? I appreciate any and all comments and suggestions ~ thanks:)
Personally, if you're not happy with the cure time, then I wouldn't hand them out.

Would you happily use the soap on your own body? I think that's a good question to ask yourself.

I did read somewhere that curing is roughly 2 weeks for the soap to become 'un-caustic' (if that's even such a word), the rest of the time is 'drying' time, where water evaporates and the bar hardens. I don't know if this is 100% accurate as I'm new to soaping. Maybe you could google it, or wait for more replies.
I don't sell my soap before it's ready. Not a matter of tacky to sell, but a customer satisfaction thing.

And while this isn't exactly the wrong place, I'm moving this thread to the general business area!
I agree with dOttY but then I don't sell so hopefully someone who's experienced can answer your question.

Do you do other bath products like fizzies & teas? Maybe you could offer a few items like these and have a sign which says "Coming Soon" and list your soaps.

eta: I see while I was typing, carebear answered your question.
Personally I like it!
I think putting the note or letting people know adds to the "handmade" nostalgic element of the soap. There is something kind of old school about it, as if you were buying it from the general store from the only soap maker :)

Of course, I would make sure it's a perfect batch and then just instruct people about soap so they understand!

I see the other side of the coin for sure,
but I personally would totally buy soap that wasn't ready yet if there were instructions. It reminds me a bit of buying wine and letting it age. Something nice about being involved in the process and getting a little lesson about soap.
I agree that putting out an unfinished product isn't a good idea.

On the other hand, if you are able to try using a couple of bars and find them satisfactory, you could do it.

And hint that it would become better with few weeks aging, like they speak of wine or some cheeses.
Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate their offer to let me be there but some things can't be rushed SOOOOO I am going to give out samples of what is already cured and some business cards and just meet some folks.
Starum said:
On the other hand, if you are able to try using a couple of bars and find them satisfactory, you could do it.

And hint that it would become better with few weeks aging, like they speak of wine or some cheeses.

why would you sell something not at its best, and just hint that it might get better?
mom2tyler said:
Thank you all for your comments. I appreciate their offer to let me be there but some things can't be rushed SOOOOO I am going to give out samples of what is already cured and some business cards and just meet some folks.
Good choice.

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