Do I hafta go to work?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2013
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Can't I stay home & make soap instead? Whenever I work til 7:00 pm, like today, I tell myself I'll make soap when I come home, but I don't. And I just got in new fragrances, too. I really NEED to make soap!
I have the same problem, have been meaning to make some orange scented shower soap fir several days now and whenever I get home from work I'm just too tired to start making it.
you're not looking so well today. are you coming down with a cold or something? maybe you should stay home and get some "rest". hehe
I have (in my younger days) been known to stay home to "play. " After all, who wants to waste sick days on illness? And the thought did occur to me today. However in our school there are so many who really are sick that there aren't enough substitutes for them all. So I came today. My order arrived from BB yesterday so I hope I can muster some energy this evening. I did get some chores done this morning so they would be out of the way.
I work at a school and we just returned from four consecutive snow days, immediately following Christmas break. Woo was great to just hang out in my sweats, eat yummy comfort foods, and make soap for 4 straight days. It was kind of like a soapy binge! :)
I work at a school and we just returned from four consecutive snow days, immediately following Christmas break. Woo was great to just hang out in my sweats, eat yummy comfort foods, and make soap for 4 straight days. It was kind of like a soapy binge! :)

I'm so jealous :sad:
I was a responsible adult and went to work. I'm going to bed early tonight so I can get up early tomorrow, and I'm making soap in the morning. No excuses!!
I know a surefire way to get sent home from work on "sick leave"! LOL Timing is everything! All you have to do is, just when the boss is nearby, is take a bite of a Ghost Chili or a Carolina Reaper. Chew and swallow! ( SCU over 2 mill!) and I'm telling you, you'll look (and feel) sicker than a dog in no time and be told to go home until you're feeling better. The horror of it passes fairly quickly, just drink loads of milk or eat some butter when you're in the clear and hey presto! Instant sick leave! Ferris Bueller ain't got nothing on me. Heh heh...

Not that I have ever done this myself. I have never played hookie from work. (Ahem.) It's just something I heard.... :shifty:
I know a surefire way to get sent home from work on "sick leave"! LOL Timing is everything! All you have to do is, just when the boss is nearby, is take a bite of a Ghost Chili or a Carolina Reaper. Chew and swallow! ( SCU over 2 mill!) and I'm telling you, you'll look (and feel) sicker than a dog in no time and be told to go home until you're feeling better. The horror of it passes fairly quickly, just drink loads of milk or eat some butter when you're in the clear and hey presto! Instant sick leave! Ferris Bueller ain't got nothing on me. Heh heh...

Not that I have ever done this myself. I have never played hookie from work. (Ahem.) It's just something I heard.... :shifty:

LOL! Doesn't seem worth it!
LOL! Doesn't seem worth it!

I was once so tired at work when in a bakery that I put an exposed nail through my hand ON PURPOSE! Was only a few hours left until the end of the working day, and I ended up spending more time at the doctors and home much later than if I just worked the rest of day.

That was certainly not worth it! :thumbdown:
LOL! Doesn't seem worth it!

I wouldn't do it if you're not used to eating hot chili though. It'll make you feel like you're going to die for a little while. LOL Your voicebox seizes up so you can hardly speak, your head feels like it's going to explode, your face feels like it's all puffy and your eyes and nose will run like heck! Some might even want to throw up, so have a trash can nearby just in case. Also, within 24 hours that chili is going to make its presence known again, (if you know what I mean) and that is definitely something that needs to be taken into consideration too... ugh... but heck, you can catch a couple of days off on that one!! :lol:
I was once so tired at work when in a bakery that I put an exposed nail through my hand ON PURPOSE! Was only a few hours left until the end of the working day, and I ended up spending more time at the doctors and home much later than if I just worked the rest of day.

That was certainly not worth it! :thumbdown:

With how much I hated my work (past job), I totally understand this. That was not a fail, it was the most brilliant thing I have heard today. Granted I just woke up and am still in bed. I believe it will win!

I now honor you and call you master. :D
Geez, Tienne, that's pretty hardcore! I think I have time to make soap before I go to work at noon, and then in a couple of days (after working 8 days straight) I will have 3 days off! Yay! Time for fun with friends and more soap!!