DIY B&B (Etsy) 40% off sale

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Jul 24, 2014
Reaction score
Encinitas, CA
Just a heads up that these formulators, who are well-liked and reviewed by posters here, are having a 40% off sale for the next day (not sure when it started).

They sell formulas/recipes, not products. I've tried the shampoo bar/conditioner bar recipes and the lotion/cream concentrate one. All of them are well-crafted, easy to follow, and produce good and easily adaptable (for individual needs) results. You can also check the ingredient lists to see if making them would require too much of an initial outlay or if you (ahem) already have a lot of the necessary ingredients on hand. These are especially good if you don't have a ton of B&B experience because they are so good and straightforward, but as someone who has done a fair amount of faffing about with creams and lotions I like them as well. In any event, it's a good time to check them out if you've been thinking about it.
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Just a heads up that these formulators, who are well-liked and reviewed by posters here, are having a 40% off sale for the next day (not sure when it started).

They sell formulas/recipes, not products. I've tried the shampoo bar/conditioner bar recipes and the lotion/cream concentrate one. All of them are well-crafted, easy to follow, and produce good and easily adaptable (for individual needs) results. You can also check the ingredient lists to see if making them would require too much of an initial outlay or if you (ahem) already have a lot of the necessary ingredients on hand. These are especially good if you don't have a ton of B&B experience because they are so good and straightforward, but as someone who has done a fair amount of faffing about with creams and lotions I like them as well. In any event, it's a good time to check them out if you've been thinking about it.

Uhhhh....which formulators?

Did you forget to post the links? 😂
@Misschief @AliOop @not_ally or anyone else that uses the lotion/cream concentrate recipe, once made how long does the base last before going bad? I really don’t like making lotion, but this might be okay. Do you still have to heat and hold?
Because the recipe has percentages, you can make as much or as little of the base as you wish. I've made it and have had it sit for nearly a year at one point with no issue. My spare room, which houses all my supplies, is the coolest room in the house and is rarely heated. Obviously, though, it depends on the oils used and the age of those oils.

There's no need to heat and hold. It is recommended to stick blend it for two minutes after heating the lotion to 70 - 80C.
Hi @dibbles,

Like @Misschief, I've also kept some of the premade base on my shelf for close to a year without any problems, and I don't heat and hold, either.

FWIW, I've also made several other lotion recipes without using the heat and hold method as recommended. My thought was that if the room-temp DIY B&B base works with boiling water, then why couldn't I do the same with other recipes? So, my practice with other lotion recipes is to simply melt my emulsifier in my oils, immediately pour the boiling distilled water over it, and get to blending. It's always turned out just fine.
@dibbles, no input on the shelf life of the concentrate, I made it for the first time six-ish weeks ago. I was assuming that both the concentrate and the lotions made from it would be as good as the shortest shelf life of the oils/butters in both. For me that wouldn't be significantly different from lotions I make from scratch.
@not_ally @AliOop @Misschief have any of you made their pourable shampoo bar? I have an extremely oily scalp and have been using a formula I modified from SwiftCraftyMonkey that is ok, but not great. The ingredients for the DIY B&B bar are similar so I have most of the ingredients. The description sounds like it may not work for my hair though as it says “Very Curly, Dry, Damaged and Normal” hair types. I keep coming back to it as I love the idea of a pourable bar. 🤔 what to do?
I asked to join the FB group and indicated I have not yet purchased any of their books as I am looking for additional information. Not sure if I will get approved.
Yes, I've made the hot pour bars and love them! There is one recipe in the booklet that is specifically for oilier hair. The ingredients that are different than the dry hair recipes would be:

Green Tea Extract, Seaweed Extract, Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, Kaolin clay, and either RBO or jojoba (instead of coconut or babassu). You could also choose an EO that has properties suitable for oily hair.

If you give it a try, let us know how you like it!
Yes, I've made the hot pour bars and love them! There is one recipe in the booklet that is specifically for oilier hair. The ingredients that are different than the dry hair recipes would be:

Green Tea Extract, Seaweed Extract, Hydrolyzed Rice Protein, Kaolin clay, and either RBO or jojoba (instead of coconut or babassu). You could also choose an EO that has properties suitable for oily hair.

If you give it a try, let us know how you like it!
Thank you for the quick reply! I am going to give it a try. It will be February before I can make anything but this will definitely be on my list. Thanks again.