Crockpot Soap

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Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2009
Reaction score
Soooo, I've been reading up and watching videos and think that I'm ready to take on hp. I have a crockpot that is either 5, but probably 6 quarts.

What do you hpers think is the smallest amount of soap I should make in it?
I 've read that not having enough in the crockpot is almost as bad as filling it too much. I would rather start out small rather than waste ingredients on ugly (or worse) batches.

Worst case, I look for a new inexpensive cp. What is a good size if I go that route? Maybe for 1-3 pd batches.


Jude :)
I have a bigger crock pot so I'd probably say 2-3 lbs. Any less than that and I don't have enough "batter" to keep my SB submerged.

If you don't mind spending about $20, Target has a great slow cooker by procter silex that is 3 qt and I can easily do a 1-2 lb test batch. It's been great.
Right now I'm using a very old crock pot, I'd say it probably is about a 2 quart one.
I do 1-2 lb batches in it.

In yours I'd suggest trying 2-3 lbs. All recipes vary on how much they try to "climb out of the pot" after doing a couple of batches you'll know if yours might be able to handle more.

Good Luck:)
I do 2.8lbs in my 4 quart, more specifically 1279g. It's the amount my husband calculated to fill my mold to the top and depending on the batch it's potentially too much for the crock. I made an 90/10 Bastille and it did fine, then I made a lard coconut and it bubbled over. I had to watch the lard batch like a hawk constantly smooshing it back down. 5 or 6 quarts is probably perfect :)
It seems like everyone is using a recipe which fills close to half of the crockpot. I think I might hang on to the big one for when I have the process down and buy one to use now at Target, Walmart, or somewhere similar. :)

It is done , I haven't done hp for almost a year , had to read up on it :wink:
I can't believe how fast it goes hmmmm , maybe a convert in the works here. I did apple jack n peel OMG that is a nice scent.
Kitn said:
It is done , I haven't done hp for almost a year , had to read up on it :wink:
I can't believe how fast it goes hmmmm , maybe a convert in the works here. I did apple jack n peel OMG that is a nice scent.

Can't wait to see your cut picks. Once again we are in dire need of smellovision! :)
