Confused about FO usage rates

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May 7, 2015
Reaction score
Chatta-Vegas, TN
I did a 447 gm test batch to try out a FO (WSPs Cashmere and Cotton). The IFRA Max usage for soap was 18.1% and the Max Product usage for soap on the directions info was 6%. I went with the 6% and added 27 gm (.9 oz) to my batch. There is barely any fragrance in the soap. I used it in the shower this morning and when I washed my face with it, I smelled soap more than Cashmere and Cotton. Why am I having a problem getting my FOs to stick? If the IFRA says 18.1%, but the company that is selling the product says only 6%, who's usage rate am I supposed to go by?

If I had used the IFRA maximum, it would have been 81 gm of FO (2.9 oz), which might be a bit too stinky, I think. But, if I went with 12%, it would have been 54 gm (1.9 oz), which might not be bad.

So, is it bad to use the IFRA rates instead of the distributor (who is probably not the manufacturer) rates? Or somewhere in the middle of the two?

As always, thanks for your help.
T, IFRA rates basically establish safe usage (ie; theoretical "this will not burn your skin off" rates), the mftr ones seem to be kind of a combo of that rationale and also what they think works in the terms of scent retention. That being said, I usually use about 1 oz ppo (I will look at the mftr recommendations w/a new one and sometimes adjust down if they are much lower, although I often ending up increasing the next time anyway if they are too faint that way b/c I like them strong.)
Thanks, N_A! I really loved this scent OOB and when I was making it. I'm definitely going to buy a big bottle of it (and the Indonesian Teakwood), but I'll do 2 oz ppo the next time. (I also have to figure out how to make a room freshener. I need the Indonesian Teakwood in my bedroom every night to lull me to sleep. Gosh that stuff is so relaxing.)
Wait, T, I did not translate the %'s, I don't want you to burn your skin off! 2 oz ppo is pretty high, I don't exceed 1.25 oz ppo even w/light ones (at that point I just give up and assume they are not good stickers.) If I put in more than that I am afraid it will start to leak out of the soap, never mind what it does to your skin. Don't make me do the math, you know how I am that way :)

If you like teakwood, have you tried NG's Teakwood and Cardamom? That is one of my favorites. As is my wont, I use it at an oz ppo, but it is plenty strong, other people use it at less than that. And it really is nice. Also easy to blend by adding musk, or some floral, depending on where you want to to take it.
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IThere is barely any fragrance in the soap. I used it in the shower this morning and when I washed my face with it, I smelled soap more than Cashmere and Cotton. Why am I having a problem getting my FOs to stick?

Good news- it might not be you, but the FO instead. I was just reading the reviews on the WSP site for this FO and a good handful reported that it was either 'light' or 'too light; in their CP.

For me, if a FO is too light for my tastes in my soap at 6% ppo (1 oz. ppo), I won't buy any more of it. It just becomes too expensive for me if I'm forced to use any more than that in my soap to get a good scent retention. My favorite FOs are those that stick good and strong & forever at just .7 or .75 oz ppo , and sometimes even as low as .5 oz. ppo.

If the IFRA says 18% is safe for skin contact and the FO manufacturer or vendor recommends to use only as much a 6% in soap, I go with what the FO manufacturer or vendor says.

IrishLass :)
I reall need to read the reviews instead of JUST the descriptions. I have never done that. I'm always too busy oohing and aahing over the images that come to my mind based on the descriptions of the FOs. Thanks IL. I've got some other samples to try out before I buy anything else. Maybe I'll look for something similar from some other distributor.