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Feb 22, 2015
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Talk to me about coffee in soap as an exfoliate. Do you just use reg folgers like coffee, do you add straight from the can, brew then dry the grounds then add, thinking a tbs per pound of oil would be sufficient, correct? So sorry new to soaping with a ton of questions. I just got all my oils today! Now I have to wait for hubby to finish my moulds.
I use fresh dry grounds. My first time, I used folgers but it was way too scratchy. The next batch I went to the store and bought some dark roast by the pound and ground it in store as fine as I could, it was much better that way. 1 Tbsp PPO should be plenty.
I use brewed grounds for scrubbie in my soap. I also use coffee as my liquid. Don't use too much though. I think I use about 1 Tbsp PPO as well maybe a bit less.
Thanks for the quick responses!! Information is invaluable for me right now as I embark on my soap making journey. So much to learn!!
I make soap for the local coffee shop using their coffee grounds (used) and leftover coffee. I boil down the coffee to about half then freeze into cubes. I use about half these cubes and half frozen goat's milk for my liquid. They like 2 different ones. The first is finely ground, like an espresso. The second is a coarse grind. I've also used Folgers for my own coffee soap. The coarse is better for gardeners and mechanics to clean hands.
Thanks for the quick responses!! Information is invaluable for me right now as I embark on my soap making journey. So much to learn!!

If you scroll to the bottom of your thread, there are other threads about this very topic, its been talked about before.

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