Choosing flavours for my soap

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Aug 20, 2020
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Hello guys,

I am planning to make a couple of variants soon and would love to hear which flavours would you recommend?

1) Carrot, rose and oats/vetiver - rosemary essential oil
2) Coffee, ginger and orange - sweet orange essential oil
3) Lime, mint and green tea - peppermint essential oil
4) Liqourice and honey goatmilk soap

I was thinking about cinnamon but not sure if the smell will be too strong - after it gets cured? Tomato also sounds good but I am worried if it might dry the skin

Can you also share some insights on if I can achieve natural colors based on the above flavours and if using just one essential oil per soap will produce enough fragrance after it gets cured?

Also, if you were to pick a highly nourishing and hard bar of soap, do you think the following combo would help achieve it?

22.925 fl oz or 676 ml coconut oil
3.53 fl oz or 104 ml sunflower oil
1.75 fl oz or 50 ml castor oil
3.53 oz or 100 ml olive oil

Lye : 3.53 fl oz. Water : 8.4 fl oz

Honey - 1 tsp, sugar - 1 tsp for lather and a pinch of salt to harden the soap

Can I remove sunflower oil here? From what I read - it might be a bit nourishing and will stabilise the lather.

Also, in India, our skin does not dry up very much because of the temperature here and would it be alright if the majority of my recipe includes coconut oil as using 400 ml coconut oil for one of my recipes affected lather to a considerable extent?

Please also let me know what measurement of essential oil you would recommend?
Use to calculate how much essential oil is needed for your batches, and how much is safe for the skin. Each oil has its own recommended amount and safe limits.

I love sweet orange, but it fades pretty fast. You might try ordering Orange-10x from one of the soap suppliers.

No ingredients are “nourishing” in soap, but some do offset the cleansing to make the bar less drying. If high coconut oil does not bother your skin, or your testers’ skin, that is wonderful bc it makes great bubbles. But it also dissolves fast, so your bar will not last long. You will want to balance it with some longer lasting ingredients like tallow, cocoa butter, Shea butter, or the like.

Most natural colors will fade or turn over time. Green tea turns brown pretty fats. Carrot and tomato last a little longer than some but they still fade. Turmeric and paprika can make some nice colors if you infuse them in your oil and strain out the powder.

Do some searches using the search bar above to find good information about ingredients, natural colorants, etc.
My first thought when I read your post was... you're washing with it, not eating it. My personal take on food stuffs in soap is that it's mainly for label appeal. I'm not convinced food ingredients actually add much to the soap.

I would shy away from cinnamon in soap. It can be irritating to some people from what I've read; I use it in one of my soaps but at a low rate (2.5 grams in a 1000 gram batch) and that particular soap is more of a hand/kitchen soap than a bath soap.
AliOop is right, you will waste your time and money trying to get a soap bar that is nourishing. You can make a soap that does not dry your skin to much but that is it. Also using natural products will usually turn brown and waste your money.