Buster - sad news

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Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2014
Reaction score
Darlington, UK
I've not been around much over the last few months. A few of you may remember my dog, Buster, getting sick last year. Well his care needs increased a lot over the last couple of months but he was happy, still enjoying walks and playing. Unfortunately we felt this was no longer the case over the weekend so we made the sad decision to say goodbye to him. I'm absolutely heartbroken and feel guilty as hell for deciding to end his life. I just wanted to update you guys on here because lots of you have been really supportive throughout.
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It is so heartbreaking to lose a family member and fur baby. He looks like a beautiful spirit who was very fortunate to have the love of someone like you in his life.

I know no words will make it easier, but I'm glad you had each other.
So sorry to hear about this, I know how much love we have for our pets.

Letting them go is hard, even though it is what is best for them. But that stuff never gets easy.
So sorry for your loss. I had to put down my dog last November, and I remember the pain I felt. We're here to support you.
Oh, I am so, so sorry! You took excellent care of him for him to last that long! And then you did the unselfish thing and let him go. That is the highest mark of love, you know.
I am so sorry Sonya. We all know how much you loved him and what great care you gave him. I know you are heartbroken. This is the sad part of sharing your life with a pet. Please don't feel guilty about your decision. You did what was best for Buster, not what was best for you.
I can appreciate how you feel, Sonya. Bravo to you for making the commitment to help Buster enjoy life a little longer ... and even more kudos to you for saying goodbye when it was time to do that. My vet said it is better to say goodbye a day too early than a day too late. Even though making a decision like this is terribly painful, you did the right thing.
Oh Sonya, you fought so hard to make sure Buster had a full life, I have no doubt you made the best decision you could for him and he was so lucky to have you while he did. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Oh Sonya, I'm so sorry. I hope you can take comfort in the knowledge that you gave Buster a happy life and then a humane death when he was in too much pain to be a dog - sometimes that's the greatest gift. He was a beautiful pup. May you see him again someday!
Sending virtual hugs. I have been there twice myself- VERY painful. Wishing you peace...
I am so sorry for your loss, Do not feel guilty, you fought hard for him. He will stay in your heart but free from suffering. I believe his spirit will stay with you as long as you need him, then he will cross the rainbow bridge .......... I am sorry Sonya
Even when we know that is time to do them a favour, end suffering, we feel guilty.
Please, get another dog soon, it will be easier on you (known it from experience) you will not replace Buster , no dog can replace another one.