Baby Kirra

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2008
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Ok, I cried on the phone to Tab several times today - now it's your turn.

My cousin's baby, Kirra, is only 2 years old. Last Monday she was diagnosed with Leigh's disease, a very rare, fatal mitochondrial disorder.

Kirra is on a ventilator, the doctors are hoping to be able to remove the ventilator and allow her to go home with hospice care tomorrow. I don't know all the details of Leigh's disease, but I understand that there's nothing that can be done. For now it's just a matter of making her comfortable, cuddling and holding her for her last hours.

Would you please add Kirra and her family to your prayers?

thanks, Deb


this is Kirra and her Mom
What a beautiful picture. Deeply sorry to hear of Kirra's condition. I'm sure she's brought a lot of joy to her family during her short life.

Comforting thoughts headed her way...

deb, i am sorry for all that your cousin and your families are going through. i will definitely pray for you both.
Kirra and her family and all who know her are in my familys prayers. I went thru something very simular about 15 years ago. Hang in there.

no words to express those feelings, i'm just so very sorry and sad for her :cry: you'll be in my mind..
I just talked to my Dad and my cousin. The Drs are removing the breathing tube as of 1 pm today.

Thanks for all the prayers.
Oh Deb, I'm soooo sorry. She's such a cutie. I'm sure she'll be surrounded by her family and lots of love so she won't be alone when she passes. So sad that there is no treatment nor cure. :-(
Sending some prayers for precious baby Kirra. What a traumatic thing for her parents, family, and friends to go thru for someone so young and helpless.
Kirra's home. She's still breathing.
Thank you all so much for the prayers, I know her family is so happy to be able to take that baby home. They have a hospice nurse with them, I think she's going to stay with them until the end. I don't know if she'll make it to Christmas. I didn't want to ask, and no one volunteered the answer, I don't think anyone really wants to know. For now I'm just grateful that she's with her sister, Skylie, her mom, her dad, her grandparents and aunties. She's right where she should be now.
Thank you all.