Another baby snake

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Idaho, USA
This little one will be here tomorrow. She will be very pink as a adult and is the future mate of my other cornsnake.


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Thanks, I can't stop looking at her.

Its amazing how many morphs there are and more being created every year. So many I'd like to have but its not feasible.
There is one more I'd like, its called a abbotts okeetee. Its a variation of a wild colored but more vivid. Probably the prettiest corn in existence.
Is your new baby a morph from an albino? From your picture, it looks like she has pink eyes? Hopefully, she will not be as shy as her future matey.
I just looked up the Abbotts they are really pretty. With 800 morphs how does one choose? At least with my day geckos, there is a limited number to choose from.

I would still like an Electric Blue pair but Tony will probably strangle me. Unfortunately, I ended up with 3 male Neons, so not sure what I am going to do with all of them, I was really hoping I would end up with at least 2 girls, but no such luck. 😭
Well, yes and no. Technically, she is a type of albino but not in the same sense a mammal would be.
Short version is corns have two main colors, orange and black. Remove both those colors and you are left with a white snake. She also has a gene that adds in the extra pink.

The male I have is also considered by some to be a albino. He is lacking the black color, leaving orange. He has other genes that brighten the color he does have.

All their babies will either be orange (amelanistic) or white (snow) along with a number of hets. I do believe they should all get one of the pink genes too but I'm not 100% on that, there is some confusion on the males genes in that regard.

There are a lot of the morphs I just don't like. Any black/grey/brown without red or orange is to bland. Yellows aren't particularly nice either, except for a butter motley.
I'm not a fan of stripes or tessera, that removes a lot of morphs from the possibilities for me.

Any chance you can find a breeder to trade a couple of your male neons to?
Its always disappointing when you think you have pairs and it ends up wrong.

I bought blue tongue skinks a few years back, was supposed to be a young pair. Great bloodlines from a good breeder. Both ended up male. Lost out on the deal, I couldn't get even half my money back reselling.
I like snakes, I don't keep them cause I do not have the nerve to feed them live food LOL. Your baby girl is so pretty. Congratulations!! How do you know if they are male/female?

I knew someone once that had an impressive collection of snakes. He had tanks all over the room. There were only a few select that I was allowed to hold.
I don't feed live. I buy frozen mice, thaw in hot water to feed.

When the snake is baby, you can do something called popping where you push on the tail area by the vent. If its a male, the boy bits will pop out.
A adult snake can be sexed by probing. I'll let you google that one lol. You can also have them dna sexed from a piece of shed skin.

I've always been a snake fan. Not sure where it comes from, my mom and grandma are both afraid of snakes. I'm just glad my mom didn't teach me to be afraid like so many other parents do.
I keep tarantulas too. I guess I just like unconventional critters.
Ah the crawlie arachnid creatures, Yuck....
I am hoping one of my kids will take one of my daughters will take one of the boys and I will keep two of them. I was a bit disappointed. At least Day's are easier to sex, especially the Neons, when old enough when they are on the glass you can see their tiny little oval cotton balls and their large pores. Other Day's you just have to look at the size pores.
So happy you guys posted this. I love snakes, have never had any, do not like tarantulas, my brother had one and it totally grossed me out! My son's best friend had two snakes and one was a female, I know it was a corn but did not look like yours. She was amazing. I would walk into the room and she would arch up and want me to take her out of the tank and just hold her, stroke her and just talk to her. Steve would just stand in awe because she wasn't that way with anyone but me, his other snake could have cared less, I don't remember it even looking at me. Was this normal, I never thought anything about it and thought he was just acting silly over the situation?
Snakes usually do not seek out attention. Even very gentle ones only tolerate handling, not seeming to actually enjoy it.
Once in awhile, I hear stories like yours of a snake seeking someone out. It's pretty uncommon.

The only reason my snakes come out to see is is because they know I'm the bringer of food.
She can take down day old pinkies no issue but then ones I have are a couple days older. She can get them down ok but it took her awhile. If she keeps struggling, I may have to start splitting them.

Its amazing what some of the morphs look like. Pink is my favorite color so it was time.