A rash (eeek!)

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Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
BC, Canada
I gave my sister some of my soaps the other day and she gave one to a friend. The friend used the soap 5 times, and on the sixth time she broke out in a rash. It was an oatmeal, milk, and honey soap. I have used a bar from the batch as has my husband and another friend of ours (so three bars) and no one has had a reaction.

Is it possible that there could be a lye issue specific to one bar in my batch that she didn't get to until the sixth use? Or maybe she developed a reaction to the fragrance oil? Any ideas?
My first thought is always fragrance. Or maybe she has nut allergies she's unaware of. It could be any number of things. It might not even be the soap. Maybe she used a new product, or ate something....
semplice said:
My first thought is always fragrance. Or maybe she has nut allergies she's unaware of. It could be any number of things. It might not even be the soap. Maybe she used a new product, or ate something....

This. It could be anything. Heck, it could even be a bug bite.
It's unlikely to be the lye. If you've ever used a lye heavy soap (I have. Twice. :oops: ) you would know what it is like. A rash sounds more like an allergic reaction.
The allergic reaction could be from something else, or can still be the bar of soap, even if she's used it before. Allergic reactions can "build up" in your system. You can be fine for most of your life and suddenly develop an allergy to something you've always used. It tends to get progressively worse. Like bee stings, my first few were only slightly worse than a normal bee sting. Got progressively worse with each one, last one made my entire leg swell up, now I'm supposed to carry an Epipen with me, as the next reaction (or 2, 3, 4 whatever more) could possibly progress to anaphylactic shock.
It could be anything - from the food you eat to the stuff you put on your skin or the air you breath. I know of someone who is allergic to gunpowder so no fireworks/firecrackers for her.

Anyway, tell her to discontinue to the use of the soap and see if the rash goes away. If it does, then it's something in the soap (most of the time, fragrance) but bear in mind that even when you use all natural ingredients (no fragrance, just EO, natural colorants, etc) (and your soap is safe - assuming that), some people can be allergic to anything and everything under the sun. We can't cover all the bases - just put a disclaimer with your soap.
Yeah, people can be allergic to anything. Fragrance oils and base oils are common culprits. Some people have allergic reactions to coconut oil, shea butter, or cocoa butter for example.
Did you inquire if she has ever had a similar reaction to anything or is this her first rash ever? Where and how much of a rash did she have?
Was she gardening? Taking a new medicine? Eating mango?

Bad part about allergies they can hit at anytime without warning. I would also doubt it is lye or you would have had trouble. There is really nothing in this world that is hypoallergenic. It may have just be coincidence and been a reaction to something else. I was allergic to oat soap when I was small and do happen to be now. I have customers allergic to olive, coconut and shea butter. Not the same customer to all the oils.

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