what is your favorite time to soap?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
morning? afternoon? evenings? wee hours of insomnia nights?

and what is your preferred time?

I am a morning person, and cannot think too clearly in the evenings, so I soap mornings, or sometimes wee hours of morning, (4 or 5AM) when DH sleeps until 7.
I soap whenever I can. Preferably when I'm home by myself. Most of the time lately has been late at night; I'd say right around midnight.
I'd prefer to soap when I have the house to myself, but those times are few and far between. Usually I end up soaping either early afternoon or in the evening after dinner and the "food" kitchen has been closed for the night.
i usually soap early in the morning. i try to have them in the oven by 10am so that i can unmold and cut around 8pm. then i can admire my babies and put them to bed for the next few weeks.
Monday morning! After DH has left for work. I've had a few days off from soaping and business things and I'm refreshed and renewed. I love to jump right in and get a jump on the soaps I need to make for the week.
Usually just after lunch when its nap time for little munchkins.
& Thursdays...daycare!!
Weekends , I find it so relaxing as I work 50 hrs a week and am studying Nursing .......so I like to chill out and soap making seems to do just that for me
Weekends, mid morning, after checking in with my Dad to make sure he's okay. I usually finish up two batches in an hour. I feel more focused in the a.m.
Usually on a Saturday or Sunday ... I'm working full time in Correctional Services, so don't have any energy for my hobbies during the week. I usually choose to soap making on a Saturday and then shopping and preparing meals from the week ahead on Sunday. If I was selling soap, I'm guessing I'd have to make more time, but for now, this is a hobby for my family, friends and self to enjoy.
After I've taught my last class for the week. And in the evenings after the kids are in bed. I'd prefer the mornings but I've got to get them ready for school....
I like to soap in the afternoon after business stuff is taken care of for the day. Sometimes I can't resist late at night if I have an idea that's exciting me. I don't sleep well sometimes; might as well be soaping.
Best time to soap.

I'm still trying to figure that out. I have 3 children, youngest is 6. Everybody wants mommy 100% of the time...lol

I think later evenings are good, but then someone wants me to look at homework, read a book, watch a movie with them. Early morning it's getting everyone on their homework, and chores.

Then there's the mess. I have to lay out everything that I am going to use for making soap that day, and it will take up the whole kitchen! Because I like to do several batches to build up my stock, and I get so fascinated with swirling, colors, layers, etc. So I have to make sure there's not others around to disorganize my already disorganized mess. :)
I like evenings after dinner over. Before bedtime. little one in bed older child is teen so not so concerned about soaping around her.