ugly swirling after major seizing (pics)

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Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2009
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I just wanted to share pics of swirling after solid seizing of soap. After adding cinnamon EO to warm oils, coconut cream was mixed in with oils, lye and oils mixed with just a spoon so far so good until stick blender entered the scene, after only a few seconds the soap went lumpy and started to solidify, because I had planned to swirl it with chocolate I went ahead and scooped some of the fast solidifying mixture and blended it with the cocoa beating it as hard as I could but by the time I was done with the chocolate mix the spoon on the soap mixture was already standing straight on the solid soap, I was persistent and went ahead with the swirling in the pot then poured mixture spoon by spoon into the mold, it was so difficult but I did it, covered it with plastic and left it to gel, it heated up very quickly, this morning after cutting it looked like this... ugly swirling. I read somewhere that seizing might compromise correct saponification, my question is would this soap be ok to use?

I have used cinnamon EO before and know of its tendency to speed up trace but this was massive and fast reaction, in the past I have always added EO at light trace but this time I thought I'd try it with the oils but I think this method is not suitable for this type of EO. Soap looks ugly but smells delicious and feels good on skin, I hope it is fit for use, any suggestions? thanks so much


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. This looks like marble to be and I like this 100% more than many of the other styles of swirling I have seen on the net......
I am a newbie and would be interested to know what everyone says about it being usable cause if it is, if I swirl, I want it to look like yours.
Thank you guys, I thought this soap was a total failure. There is no zap at all and no lye pockets, the texture of the soap is beautiful it is quite firm even though it is only one day old, it washes well and leaves skin feeling very velvety, smells really nice with just a hint of cinnamon. Thanks judymoody for the link... very interesting posting but I tell you it is nerve wrecking trying to work really fast when the mixture is going solid rock in a matter of seconds and getting the two colors to swirl is a challenge one needs lots of muscle power. I am happy you liked the look of the soap I feel more confident in giving them to my friends and relatives :lol:
I LIKE IT, soap is like your children I love it all, even the ugly ones & I think the ugly ones are beautiful too! I bet you could sell it no problem! looks like rocky road ice cream YUMMMMMMMMY!
I think it looks cool. Like fudge ripple Ice Cream.
I think its pretty too.

I think as 'artists' we are most critical of our own work....and even more so when our most thought our plans dont turn out the way we hoped.
I completely agree with everyone. I love this look and have tried seizing soap on occasion just to get the marbled look. In fact, there have been times that something is not tracing fast enough for me and I lose my patience and "settle" for normal swirling instead, which I find disappointing when I'm after something else. This is not at all ugly!!!! Just take a bar to a couple friends or co-workers and, without telling them your story, ask them if they like the looks. I know you'll get positive responses.

And I'll have to use more cinnamon EO.
Thank you everyone for your beautiful words, I feel so much better and have started to look at the soap with different eyes, I've trimmed the edges and bonded with it that I am happy now with the marble look. You are all right it is a rather exotic look not what I had planned but is growing on me now. Thank you again I appreciate your words of encouragement in my soaping journey wow and what a journey!!! lots of challenges :lol:
Hey, I really really like that. Looks like expensive marble. I'd try to make that "mistake" again if I were you!!
I agree with poster that said I meant to do that. Very nice Looks like you could take a bite.
Good idea BakingNana I might try it again and see what happens. Yes It looks like a marble cake and smells even better, I love cinnamon in soaps but I only used 1/4 the normal amount of EO as this oil is supper strong. Can't wait to use it, somehow the seizing has caused the soap to be hard in just two days, what has happened to the liquids in the soap? has it all been consumed in the gelling process and accelerated tracing? weird.. :roll:
Elly said:
Good idea BakingNana I might try it again and see what happens. Yes It looks like a marble cake and smells even better, I love cinnamon in soaps but I only used 1/4 the normal amount of EO as this oil is supper strong. Can't wait to use it, somehow the seizing has caused the soap to be hard in just two days, what has happened to the liquids in the soap? has it all been consumed in the gelling process and accelerated tracing? weird.. :roll:

Ya, I get that result with florals and spices soaping at 33%. With Fleurs d'Oranger even with full water it's still exciting getting that into the molds. That one I don't mess with at all - no color or special effects. I'm just glad if it's smooth in the mold!