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Half Caper Farm

Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2009
Reaction score
Brant County, ON
I made some soap a while ago scented with lavender and patchouli. I like it very much and I've given it to some of my men friends with a certain amount of trepidation, thinking it might be a bit "feminine" - they love it! I gave four different bars to a friend last week, and met him at a party last night, asked him how he liked it. He said he hadn't tried them yet but they all smelled delicious. Told him not to eat them. :lol:

I made a new batch of soap week before last, using lard for the first time, subbed for my usual PO. Put in a lavender swirl (finally figured out how to do that!), and made nice peaks on the top. It's lavender/neroli cedar. Can't wait to try it out.

I would like to make some more soap, but don't have enough goat's milk! Babies are popping out everywhere but the doe that I was counting on to give me some milk had triplets! :shock: And I think those wee buggers are stealing milk from the doe that I am milking. She's gone down to less than a litre from a litre and a half in the last few days - and they were born on Thursday. Very suspicious . . . she did this last year with her grandkids and these are her greatgrandkids. :roll:
Cute story about the goats. I wish I had land for some. I loved the batches I made with fresh gm last summer. I barely shared any of those, and the only ones left are the last bars saved for keeping notes that I am constantly tempted to use. I wish I could find someone to buy it from again (who isn't a 90 minute drive)
I'll have to try just lavender with patchouli. Men seem to really love patch. I also would love a goat or two. Someone I know who has goats says that she has to separate millking does from young ones overnight to get in first. :wink:
Bubbles Galore said:
I'll have to try just lavender with patchouli. Men seem to really love patch. I also would love a goat or two. Someone I know who has goats says that she has to separate millking does from young ones overnight to get in first. :wink:

Yes, once the kids are two weeks old, you can separate them overnight. Newborns, not such a good idea! And with triplets, I think she'll have all she can do to feed them. I have another doe, a Saanen/Nigerian cross, that had twins but lost one. I've started milking her, as a little 3/4 Nigerian Dwarf kid can't possibly drink all she produces. It's not much, maybe 1/2 a litre, but it all helps.

I've got 15 more does to kid, 5 in the next month, so it won't be long before I won't know what to do with all the milk!
What a cute story about the goats.... Thanks for sharing....... My DH hates Patchouli, but unbeknowst to him, I ordered some....... I was gonna make mine with some Clary Sage.
RikRaks said:
What a cute story about the goats.... Thanks for sharing....... My DH hates Patchouli, but unbeknowst to him, I ordered some....... I was gonna make mine with some Clary Sage.

Litsea Cubeba/Ginger/Patchouli is one of the most gorgeous combinations.

Those kids must be too cute for words :)
I need to order more patchouli - I was using up the last of a small bottle. Hmmm, clary sage might go nicely. I'm not familiar with Litsea Cubeba? I'll have to look that one up.

The kids are adorable. :D The older ones were bouncing around this morning like popcorn! Two more born yesterday - BoerX with red heads and long floppy ears.
Half Caper Farm said:
I need to order more patchouli - I was using up the last of a small bottle. Hmmm, clary sage might go nicely. I'm not familiar with Litsea Cubeba? I'll have to look that one up.

The kids are adorable. :D The older ones were bouncing around this morning like popcorn! Two more born yesterday - BoerX with red heads and long floppy ears.

Litsea Cubeba (also known as May Chang) has the most beautiful Lemon aroma. Crisp and clean.
I have always wanted to get some goats! Unfortunately DH does not share my enthusiasm so I am still wishing. When I want to make goats milk soap, I have to use the canned goats milk from our local specialty food store. It seems to make nice soap, but I have never been able to compare it to soap with fresh goatsmilk. Hey, that might be an interesting experiment to see how canned compares to fresh...I hope the idea of using canned goats milk is not offensive to you (the goats, however would surely be offended!)
BTW I also love using litsea cubeba. It has a great lemon scent that really sticks well in the finished soap.
ilove2soap said:
I have always wanted to get some goats! Unfortunately DH does not share my enthusiasm so I am still wishing. When I want to make goats milk soap, I have to use the canned goats milk from our local specialty food store. It seems to make nice soap, but I have never been able to compare it to soap with fresh goatsmilk. Hey, that might be an interesting experiment to see how canned compares to fresh...I hope the idea of using canned goats milk is not offensive to you (the goats, however would surely be offended!)
BTW I also love using litsea cubeba. It has a great lemon scent that really sticks well in the finished soap.

You need to take DH to a goat farm where they've got newborn kids, and the mothers are friendly! If that doesn't win him over, he has a heart of stone. :lol:

From what I understand, soap is a great use for canned goatsmilk - you wouldn't want to actually drink it. :p My DH doesn't like storebought milk anymore - if I run short because of bottle babies and have to buy it, the bottle baby gets the store milk and we get the goatsmilk!

Maybe when my lemongrass EO runs out, I'll try the other.