lemon zinger marble

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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2009
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Well this was my first attempt at HP in a slow cooker, I thought I would try marbling too, as well as the lemon zinger tea.
As you can see the paler colour is the result of the lemon zinger, not the lovely pink I had envisioned! It has a bergamot and lemongrass EO blend which is holding up quite well seeing as I made it last week.

oooooooh very nice, the marbelling looks like brown zebra stripes. Was it very hard to get the marbelling in the slow cooker?
Actually, it was very easy I took some out mixed my colouring in, and kind of plopped in here and there, hardly mixed it and the layering effect occured when I put in the mould. I would def do it again if I wanted soap in a hurry, but I think my first love is CP.
Thank you for your comments!
oo these are lovely. The texture looks very interesting :) I guess I'm not the only one disappointed in the lemon zinger then. Just one question, when you made the blend of e/o did you just pour them in a jar and left them for a bit? is it pretty straightforward?
I love these. I think the chunky bars go with the "stone" look. That would've been so cool to have the pink with the brown swirls. I'd like to try a steel blue with brown.
Very easy with the oils just mixed them up before adding, I like the idea of blue with the brown, now that would be lovely!
This is some good looking soap, really looks like some stone that I saw a few months ago at a consturction supply house that sells marble and such for counter tops.
definately looks like marble.

One more push for me to try HP.. =P