Hello from down South!

Soapmaking Forum

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Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2023
Reaction score
I’ve been making CP & CPOP for over 15 years. I jumped head first into soap making and haven’t looked back. I came up with a recipe that worked for me and it’s still the only recipe I use. I did have my own little business for a few years, but closed it down when I went to medical school. I still make soap a few times a year but only for me and my friends. I consider myself an adventurer and intermediate in the craft. I’m no expert by any means, but I do enjoy it and am always trying something new. I’m more of a lurker and just like to read the threads as I’m always learning something new.

Some soaps I made last week.


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Hey there! Welcome, your soaps look great. Is the middle one a column pour? I'm just about to try one, having gone to the trouble of acquiring a soda bottle. Hope this really will end in a Coke and a smile :)
Yeah, it’s my first time doing a column pour. I used a soap bottle and then it floated a little. I really found it fun and easy to do!
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Thank you for introducing yourself. You sound like a nice person and an experienced soaper, but I'm a little concerned about "ALIENS R REAL". How are we supposed to know if you "one of them" or not?! 👽 🤔