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New Member
Jan 29, 2015
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My name is Heather,I'm 39 and I just started the adventures of soap making. :smile:

I came here to learn what works and what doesn't,find out what oils work best for what purpose,how to color and scent my soaps like you pros do in the pretty pictures and learn how to make my own recipes.

As I type I have some soap cooking in the crock pot,first time I used real honey in the mix and wow was that interesting. Really gives it a golden color and firms it up quick. ;-)

I'm learning as I go,mostly from mistakes I made in the crock pot (as we all do)! The last batch I made was an olive oil/CO bar that turned out super soft so I'm letting it dry out impatiently- but it turned out pretty good for my first time at it. I used patchouli essential oil with a few drops of eucalyptus and it smells heavenly....I used some in the shower before work because I couldn't wait and all day I kept getting whiffs of delicious patchouli. :D (my skin didn't melt off so that's a plus LOL)

Super excited to continue making all kinds of soaps and scents- and really glad I found a forum! How awesome is that??

Thanks for letting me be a member here and look forward to getting to read everything and know everyone! :wave:http://www.soapmakingforum.com//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/