Capri Sun soap-bad idea

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2010
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A few months ago I was going to make a soap with apple juice as my liquid only to find that the kiddies drank up all the apple juice. I was standing at the fridge and spotted a couple of Capri Sun juice pouches and thought...why not? Well, not such a good idea. This turned out to be the worst soap I have ever made. It is still somewhat mushy even after 2 month cure and has severe ash on all surfaces. I don't know what it was about the Capri Sun (preservatives, colorants, citric acid?) that caused such a yucky soap. The recipe I used is a tried and true, so I don't think it was the recipe. The soap is actually fine to use, but just looks awful. Wanted to share in case anyone (like myself) was crazy enough to try using Capri Sun.
I will not stop experimenting, though, and my next soap is going to be Southern Sweet Tea. I want to use sweet tea as the liquid and scent with tea scented fo. My family and friends are all anxious to try this soap as we practically live on sweet tea in the south.
Has anyone ever made a Coca Cola soap using Coca Cola or Pepsi as the liquid and scenting with cola fo? I just wondered if it would work using flat Coke or do you think a cola beverage would turn out as bad as the Capri Sun? I have soaped many liquids like coffee, chamomile tea, milk, goatsmilk, coconut milk, beer, apple juice, carrot juice and love to experiment...any input?? What liquids have y'all soaped? Any favorites??
both the sweet tea and soda will have a lot of sugar which could make your soap overheat, i would skip the soda and use unsweetened tea instead...
The corn syrup, perhaps?

Interesting if nothing else, thanks for sharing :)
I have made soap using flat Diet Coke as a joke gift for a friend who's addicted to the stuff. It came out fine.

ETA: don't know how much citric acid is in Capri Sun but too much can neutralize your lye, affecting the consistency of your finished soap.
I have used the Capri Sun boxes for molds but I don't think I would use the juice!
I have used the Southern Sweet Tea FO recently....I'm not a fan of the south's sweet tea, but the FO is very nice smelling.

I used my usual oils, brewed a strong green tea, mixed with my goat milk and did it by HP and added the FO just before putting in the mold, with wonderful results. I LOVE how it smells. Unfortunately, the people around here in south-central ID aren't all that keen about it. :cry: Oh well, more for me to use! :D Surprising they like soaps with ginger and other spicy type scents along with lavender....there's no accounting for tastes :wink:

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