Can I use this as a slab mold?

Soapmaking Forum

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Maybe now people like @Dean will feel more confident to -- I can't believe I'm typing this -- show his goodies.
LOL seeeee.. You do it too!! Can't help it, can ya? Lol

@KiwiMoose, I just got back from a short hiatus from this forum and soaping, and I see this.. I am envious lol and also waiting to see more. Great job!
@KiwiMoose - You are so successful at every soap you try! Makes me envious! lol

@Dean - I wanna see your goodies, too, Dean! Pleeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaasssssssseeeeeeeeeee!

Well, I'm a very newbie beginner and FINALLY figured out what emulsion was and looked like only to have my micas make it all pudding. It's still soap and smells great, but it looks nothing like the wood grain soap I wanted (plopping does that ya know) (not like @Hendejm's plopping, however...)

Really, all of you are so encouraging it makes me wanna stretch my soaping wings and NEVER join a 12 step group! lol
LOL seeeee.. You do it too!! Can't help it, can ya? Lol
@Dawni , I was wondering what it took to draw you out! When this failed
Okay, okay, here is my lavender first time spoon plop swirl, some people are impatiently waiting. Not my color or scent but I think it'll sell at the church auction. I would be satisfied with fewer air bubbles if I had, how do I put this, um, jiggled and smacked it a bit more .
, I got worried. Welcome back,
I put together a slab mold out of the last two bed slats. Looks like #@$@! But it's square and I'm gonna use it, by cracky! Getting some freezer paper to use in this one. It really is worse than a cardboard box.

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