Adding Beer AFTER cook for HP Beer soap?

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Nov 5, 2019
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knoxville TN
Hello! I heard from a few soapers that when making HP beer soap they add it after the cook for much better results in regarding to fluidity. Anyone have experience with that? Wondering if it would be as straightforward as reducing the water in the lye solution the exact amount of the beer you're adding? Thanks in advance for your help!
Hello! I heard from a few soapers that when making HP beer soap they add it after the cook for much better results in regarding to fluidity. Anyone have experience with that? Wondering if it would be as straightforward as reducing the water in the lye solution the exact amount of the beer you're adding? Thanks in advance for your help!
I've not tried it after the cook but I'm sure if it's hot/warm it should help with fluidity. Nothing beats yogurt though.

Be prepared for the sugars to darken your batter some I think - it happens to me when I add coconut milk after cook also.

And yes, you'll have to subtract your beer amount from your initial water amount.

Make sure it's flat hehehe.
Thanks! Im using coconut milk instead of yogurt because my soap is vegan. I made a batch last night and it seemed to help, along with superfat and beer! It did darken it, but I figured it just looks like actual beer now! :)