Yellow spots? On CP EO soaps

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2009
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Crookston Minnesota
What could be causing these yellow spots? I've been finding them on my essential oils soap. Eucalyptus, peppermint teatree & lemon Pearberry & what can i do about it? I use the max essential oil going by the bramble berry fragrance calculator.. thank you in advance!!

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Looks like DOS to me. First of all how long do you cure your soap? Second I would not want to package it in cello bags as it needs to breathe. FYO, for whatever reason any soap of mine that has either Lavender, Peppermint or Spearmint eo in it gets DOS in a few months from the oils starting to go rancid. My remedy is to use 0.1% ROE in these soaps. It doesn't happen to any of my other soaps.
Definitely looks like DOS - dreaded orange spots - AKA rancidity.

There are a lot of factors that can cause DOS. Your oil choices, oil freshness, superfat, fragrances, soap touching metal that is not stainless steel, storing conditions.

Judging by the packaging - I assume you are a seller? DOS is especially bad for sellers - you certainly don't want to be selling rancid soap to your customers!

If you share your recipe and process, we may be able to provide a bit more guidance to you. :)
I am sorry, but to my eyes you have gotten DOS on your soaps. DOS stands for dreaded orange spots, and the most common cause of this phenomenon is rancid oils, but there are other factors that can contribute to these spots.

There is unfortunately no cure for DOS, only ways to prevent it. DOS is a symptom that your soap has gone rancid, and will not improve from this point forward, even if you cut the yellow parts away. But it isn`t unsafe to use per say, just not very apetizing.

Do not sell or give these away, I can guarantee people will never touch a piece of CP soap ever again, if you do ; )

Have you made CP soap for long? I am just asking because you packaged them so beautifully, but looks like the packaging doesn`t let the soaps breathe at all. So my gut feeling the essential oils has nothing to do with the spots.

Also superfatting the soaps in excess may be the cause, or not letting the soaps cure and breathe properly in a ventilated area, while they are curing at least from 4-6 weeks. Contact with metal is another thing.

There are many, many other factors that may cause these spots, but leaving that for now.

Let us know how we can help if you have issues with your recipe or other things. (◕‿◕✿)
I agree with dos. What would concern me is if you are selling, which it looks like you are, you should know what dos is. Hopefully you are not selling the ones in the picture. This is why we tell everyone to put in at least a year of soap making for testing before considering selling. That also applies if you only give away your soaps.
thank you guys! i have been making soap for 6 years. never ever had DOS before! yuk! i do package my soaps in cello bags after letting them cure at least 2 months.. i always seem to find something else to do before getting back to them.. my bags do have 3 punch holes at the bottom of them and i leave a space at the top after tying. altho this may not be enough air flow? being this has never happened before im wondering if i rushed this batch and wrapped them to early.. i cure my soap on coated racks. altho have also used oven rack type set up before which i see is a no no! im posting my recipe so please let me know if you have any advice i just started selling soap at my local farmers market last summer and again this summer. I want to have the safest, best soap that i can be proud of for my customers! thank you again for the help and i never sold a piece with any DOS on it! thank goodness! as it didn't look good to me and i knew i could ask you all!! I order my essential/fragrance oils from Camden-Grey & Bramble Berry. my base oils from Columbus Foods. i make small batches so i dont store soap for to long before needing to make more it just works better for me with the molds i use

284 grams - Olive Oil
227 grams - Coconut Oil
184 grams - Palm Oil
85 grams - Canola Oil
43 grams - Castor Oil
271 grams - H20
116 grams - Lye

60.50 grams Eucalyptus EO

Nice curing racks and very nice brown wrappers on your soaps. I hope you didn't feel like a naughty child with the replies condemning you for selling before you should. If you never had that problem perhaps you never read about DOS.
Very pretty soaps, aside from the DOS on the one batch.

How long has it been since you examined your racks to be sure none of the coating is cracked or worn away? earlene posted a great suggestion in the What soapy thing have you done today? thread to line curing shelves with plastic mesh.

If you don't already use ROE (rosemary oleoresin extract- NOT the same thing as rosemary essential oil), I'd suggest you start using it. Add it to your soaping oils when you open the jug. Here is a post with information on usage rates.
Hey. I'm Jody M too! My hp just turned yellow around the outside edges?? Help!