wsp silicone molds

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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Ok, I noticed they are out alot! do you like it? how many bars does it make? the reg log one, not guest size.
Its not even that they sell out so much as they just keep pushing back the 'instock' date :evil:

I check that site religiously daily and so far have watched the date go from 3/10 to 3/22 and now to 4/5

It is 8" long so if you do 1 inch bars, you get 8... :wink:
Yup, I usually do 8 bars in mine, I like them piled high with textured tops, big chunky bars. Sometimes I do cut it into 10 bars.... I like switching soaps faster than the bars disappear, LOL!
I only get 7 bars but that is because I cut a smidge larger than an inch. I just love these molds. I think there is a love/hate relationship with them. I have been stalking the site for a long while now as I want two more but like another poster mentioned, it just keeps getting pushed out. I would like them to allow a pre-buy and that way I know it's taken care of, my name is on the list, and I'll get it when it's ready. Maybe I should suggest it to WSP?
does another place carry these molds, i dont want to wait til April.
I have not found any myself. When I do a search on Bing, everything comes back to WSP.
Ok, I haven't done it yet but I did just have a chat session with customer support and if you call in, you can pre-order the mold and you'll be invoiced when they come available.
You all must be busy on the lines already...I just tried to call and had to leave a message. I hope their next shipment is enough to cover us all...I am reserving 10!
It was busy for me too. I did go ahead and pressed 0 and I actually got to talk to Kathie who had helped me on live chat.

I only ordered 2 and I'll probably regret it!
I got my call back and reserved my 10...I hope hope hope they are shipped out on the 5th. They are just the perfect size to do test batches or just fill up a bunch to make a HUGE batch...the 8" log will fit in my cutter perfectly.

I'm too excited!
evatgirl73 said:
Yup, I usually do 8 bars in mine, I like them piled high with textured tops, big chunky bars. Sometimes I do cut it into 10 bars.... I like switching soaps faster than the bars disappear, LOL!

Just many oz. of oils do you use to fill this mold "piled high"? :D I am thinking of getting one of these molds and I am trying to figure out how to amend my recipe to fit in the mold. I like large and chunky bars too! TIA!!
I use 28 oz of oils in each. If I have a flat top, it pretty much fills it to the top but if I do fluffy tops, then they do overflow the top and can't be covered.

Chrissy, they sell at 5 for $60 I think.
This was a 56 oz combined batch with flat top. ETA: This was a 33% lye solution.

Oooooh holly99, these look lovely! Thanks for the pics and the information!

May I ask, what do you cover your mold with? Would a piece of cardboard work, just sit it on the top? Also, a couple of recipes I have seen have you insulate your soap with a cardboard box just flipped over, could you do that with the fluffy tops so they are covered but not have the tops touching the box? Sorry for all the questions, I am still pretty new to soaping and trying to figure how all these different techniques work!
Thanks! Actually, I don't gel my soaps and thus I don't cover them. I just pop these babies in my deep freeze for several hours. If you are going to gel I would think a box flipped over would be a good solution. Keep in mind I haven't done that though!
I just logged into thier website and could,nt find this mold anywhere. Am I blind or am I just over looking something?
I have two of these molds and like them very much. The only thing I would
recommend is that you put them in the freezer for about 30 minutes before
you unmold your log.

I gel, and have lost some edges when unmolding. When I put them in the
freezer, I get a full 8 bars.

Salt bars are a different story. I usually lose chunks because I have to put
them in the freezer when they are hot, and I miss the ideal cutting time.
By the time they are cooled down enough to unmold without leaving chunks
in the mold, they are difficult to cut.

I suppose I could line the mold with paper and lift them out- but that defeats
the purpose of the silicone.
denbuh said:
Oooooh holly99, these look lovely! Thanks for the pics and the information!

May I ask, what do you cover your mold with? Would a piece of cardboard work, just sit it on the top? Also, a couple of recipes I have seen have you insulate your soap with a cardboard box just flipped over, could you do that with the fluffy tops so they are covered but not have the tops touching the box? Sorry for all the questions, I am still pretty new to soaping and trying to figure how all these different techniques work!

i have really become a fan of oven gelling...I do put a piece of saran wrap over the mold to prevent ash and then set it in a warmed but OFF oven (around 150 degrees I guess). It gels perfectly (every time so far) and fairly quickly.

ETA: and that soap does look absolutely lovely! I can't wait for the uniform logs in those molds!!!

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