Why not to use pringles as a mold

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2011
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Christchurch. New Zealand
Well I read somewhere on the net, that pringles containers make a great mold for circular soaps.

So I gave it a try!!

It also stated that I wouldnt need to line the container as the soap would just 'slide out'.

This is what happened


The inside of the mould bubbled and dented the soap and there was no way it was going to just 'slide out' I cant to cut the **** thing.

This is them standing up


Seems to be a kinda weird gell thing going on, like they gelled from the outside in.

Apart from that its a lovely soap, green tea lemon and ginger, my fav at the mo.

I think next time I'll stick to standard molds :)
I've used a pringle tin before with great success BUT I lined it.
Do u think the lye has reacted with the foil lining, its probably an aluminum foil type lining...well they look that way to me anyway.
A veteran soaper will no doubt chime in soon as to weather the soap will b safe to use or not.
Ah hah. You're smarter than me natty, though in my defense I don't eat pringles. I bet it was the liner. My guess was that it over heated.
Yep, the liner is aluminum. I've never used a pringles can but I read once where someone lined the can with those foamy sheets to keep it from coming in contact witht the sides.
In defense of the poor innocent Pringles can - I use them regularly because I find PVC to be a bigger pain to work with and because my daughter loves the chips, so we usually have a can a week. I line them with wax paper, which can be a bit tricky, but they work beautifully for me and I've never had any problems with them. I usually cut the loaf in half down the length of the soap and use them as "rising sun" embeds in a number of different soaps. I really like the look of them. Also, no need to eat all the chips before using them! As soon as I get them home, I empty them into a Tupperware container and steal the can for myself. :)
busymakinsoap! said:
Yeah I learnt my lesson. I certainly wont be using them again.

Its frustrating how much false info there is on the internet.

YUP!!! three years ago I poured raw soap into an unlined pringles can also... I feel ya ;) The best advice out there is KISS - keep it simple sweetie
I used a pringles can twice so far with awesome success, but I lined it with freezer paper first. You dont want the ra soap to react with the aluminum lining! Just my two scents..

i use pringles cans quite often now. But i line them and i cut off the aluminum bottom and use the lid as the bottom ( i tape it to the container before i pour soap into it) i do that because ive herd of the aluminum reacting negitivly with the lye. and im assuming that is what everyone was talking about
Here's what I found for Pringles can soap molds:

3) Eat some Pringles!!!! (This method sounds the most fun already, doesn’t it?) DO NOT USE PRINGLES CANS AS MOLDS FOR COLD PROCESS SOAP. Pringles cans have an aluminum lining. They are only safe to use as molds for hot process soap because by the time soap goes into the mold in hot process, it is already soap. Soap made by the cold process method is still saponifying when it’s placed in the mold and cannot be placed in molds containing aluminum.
Just one of the many reasons to make soap by the hot process method.

Source: http://chickensintheroad.com/house/crafts/making-round-soap-with-milk/

Ps- I was gonna use a Pringles can too. Now I'm going to use a box I have instead!
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I have used a Pingle's can. I took the metal bottom off and taped the plastic lid on, then used that for the bottom. I also lined the can with freezer paper.
Weird... I've done 3 CP batches in Pringles cans with no lining or prep, just washed them out and poured the soap in. The inner plastic liner did separate from the foil but peeled off the soap no problem. Lost the cans to unmolding but am not upset for something I was going to throw away anyhow. YMMV clearly :)
The bubbles are kind of interesting, actually. I like them. If you planned them in somehow, color and scent and other texture, maybe this can be a good thing.
so glad I saw this post. I am ready to make another batch and was going to use a pringles can for mould. I wouldn't have lined it because I wouldnt be using my brain lol
I love this forum so much!
I've used Pringles cans as molds at least 100 times. I haven't used a new can (I have a stash) so perhaps the newer cans are different, but the bottom is not made of aluminum and the inside is lined with plastic.

About 4 batches have had the weird bubbling of the lining; times when I used an additive like honey, or an EO that overheats (is eucalyptus one of those?) as well as insulated really well.

I've always had to destroy the can to get the soap out. I grease the can with either coconut oil or shea butter.