White smeared down on white :(

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Active Member
Feb 24, 2013
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OF course the title SHOULD be 'white smeared down onto black' ...

I made my first batch of black & white soap last Friday using a recipe I've never had issues with before. It looked gorgeous but a little soft, so I waited until Monday to cut it. The white smeared down onto the black. Wednesday I cut another piece ... same thing. :( So I decided to give it a few more days. I cut the rest of the loaf today ... it still smeared. I can't decide whether it would be best to cut it up and melt it down in the crock pot or attempt to clean it up after it's cured.

Any thoughts/suggestions?
Try cutting it on it's side to stop the colour from dragging down
Did you gel? Did you use full water?

I suspect you went a little heavy on the titanium dioxide?

I wouldn't rebatch - it certainly won't be an improvement over what looks like very nice soap. I'd let it cure for a few weeks and then run a little water over the cut face and see if that resolves the problem.

You certainly seem to have gotten the layering method down nicely. Congrats!
Judy .. you're probably right about the titanium dioxide. I did use full water .. actually aloe vera juice and I didn't gel because I also have buttermilk powder in it and I didn't want it to overheat.

Thanks, and I think I'll follow your suggestion after it has some cure time.
This happened to me with a ITP swirl of TD and black oxide. I smeared it when I cut it using a knife and when I switched to cutting with my wire soap cutter it didn't smear. I let the smeared soaps cure and then trimmed them up with a sharp knife and potato peeler for the edges and was able to clear up the smearing. Good luck with your soaps!
I've had this happen when I cut the soap too soft, on a black and white soap as well as a matter of fact, and the suggestion is right on. Once the soap hardens up with some cure time, you'll be able to polish up the surface with no problem and have your beautiful black and white back. Nice striping!
I cleaned up a bar of the soap last night ... let it dry and I'm very pleased with the results! Thank you all for your help & feedback!
