What soapy thing have you done today?

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Finally found a watermelon FO that I liked. MMS’s Kalahari Melon. My T&S mold was perfect for this batch. Aren’t they cute??
In semi-soapy news, my alkanet plants have started germinating :)
It's been galling me to buy the dried powdered form online when we have the perfect growing conditions here (and a dehydrator and spice grinder, because I clearly have a gadget problem).
I'm hoping it will naturalize in our garden over time and I'll have a ready source of natural purple dye 🤞

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Ohhhhhh - Fantastic!!
They are so cute!
If you don't mind me asking, what are the black spots? Poppy seeds?
Yes, poppy seeds. That’s the other reason I hadn’t made watermelon soap sooner. I could not decide if I wanted to go through the effort of making true embeds that resembled the seeds, or something else. I thought about coffee grounds, but I wanted something that looked “cleaner.”
Yes, poppy seeds. That’s the other reason I hadn’t made watermelon soap sooner. I could not decide if I wanted to go through the effort of making true embeds that resembled the seeds, or something else. I thought about coffee grounds, but I wanted something that looked “cleaner.”
Thank you. I've been wanting to try a watermelon soap for quite some time now but I'm the same about the seeds, can't decide if to go with poppy seeds or to try my hand to make embeds/soap dough.
Oh, my childhood! 😂😂😂😂 And the orange shag carpet! (Except it was my mom, not my grandmother!)

Oh, yes. I seem to recall my mom's pink Frigidaire (that NEVER stopped working; built to LAST), some avocado appliances, some pale sort of mustard appliances (in fact, I have one still here in this house), some shag carpet, some porcelain sinks, tubs & commodes of different shades, even kitchen sinks, but the psychedelic paisley print my mom re-covered a large chair with in the 60's takes the cake in my memories. No photos of it, but it was garish! Oh, and when Mom re-upholstered The Parents bedroom, it absolutely SHOCKED me! Tufted red velvet on the headboard; red velvet drapery inserts in the window shutters. I was embarrassed just knowing about it, let alone seeing it. I was of the more subdued variety when it came to home decor. Traditional 'Early American' maple wood, deep mustard colored woolen drapes (I made them and they were gorgeous as well as quite heavy), dark avocado-skin green fabric covered sofa or brown when I tired of that one; brown leather once the kids were grown. It took some time & a divorce to move away from the 'Early American' mode of decor.

But as a result of years of watching the trendy colors for appliances & permanent fixtures, such as sinks & tubs, and so forth, I made an aesthetic decision long ago to stick with white porcelain and white appliances for the most part. The occasional color may be necessary, but I don't ever want a red or orange washing machine & dryer, for example.

Took a few tries to get the slices the right thickness, but I'm happy with all of them.

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The black & white soap is just gorgeous! Well done.
The black & white soap is just gorgeous! Well done.

Thank you! I was aiming for rather more white! The scent is rock salt and driftwood, but as little of the grey and black as I used, it still took over a bit!
Wouldn't nigella seeds be closer in shape and size to watermelon seeds than poppy? Idk though, they might be too large/scratchy.
Just googled nigella seeds as I wasn't sure what they are (one new thing learnt today, check). You're right, the shape is definitely closer! But I'm worried that they might be too large/scratchy as you say.
Just googled nigella seeds as I wasn't sure what they are (one new thing learnt today, check). You're right, the shape is definitely closer! But I'm worried that they might be too large/scratchy as you say.
When you talk about Nigella - this is what I always think of: MV5BMjAyNzMxNDg5NF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMDQ3MDY4OA@@._V1_UX214_CR0,0,214,317_AL_.jpg
MUCH better contrast and colour depth! Indirect lighting is worth so much! A bit fiddling with the white balance might be appropriate (yellowish appearance at the left side – in the worst case, you'll have to swap lights). But it's SO much better.
The soap is gorgeous too! Red cabbage alarm! For presentation purposes of the front side, the arrangement of the old photo is actually a bit better, but you now have plenty of occasion to try out what looks best anyway.
@The_Phoenix the new photos look wonderful. Definitely worth the effort to make the light box. ❤
Huge difference!

This soap hasn’t photographed well. Was so happy with this version. Again, a new photo and old photo. I’ll post a photo of the light box tomorrow.
