What in your opinion makes SMF such a great forum .

Soapmaking Forum

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I'll start.
I don't think that you could find a more supportive and kind group of people anywhere else.

IMO... The people in this forum are friendly and caring.... I belong to a few other forums and I know of one popular one that some of the people won't even help and I ask them the same things I ask here and I get answers here.... Also, if I ask questions there and IF they get a reply I usually feel like an idiot for asking anyway because some of the people act like they are better than us beginners who ask questions.

Here people are very understanding and helpful and seem like they really want to help.... For example I asked in all my groups questions about these kits that I was wondering about.... Well, in this group I got sincere answers and in the other group I was told it not so many words that I was stupid to think about the kits and to not ask questions that stupid.

SO.... the answer to your question is THE PEOPLE !!!

'That is a really great question.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
This trully is a special place.
I feel I am a more developed person since joining here.
People are suportive in every way.
They just don't give an aswer ,if it is for or against what you say.
They will patiently explain it even in 'martian' it seems if need be.
Some one or some peole somewhere along the line started this site and keep steering it down beautifull pathways.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I agree.
I like that people here are friendly and open. On some other boards people are just jerks and downright vulgar.

Thanks for everyone's help in making another soap addict! lol
l feel like l can be me here. That no question is too dumb. I don't have to worry about whether l sound stupid, whether l am selling my soap too soon, or whether l am going to get bullied for accidentally saying the wrong thing.

besides a GREAT mix of friendly, caring friends, we're also a SHARING bunch, too.

someone is always sharing a new technique or new website or any other pertinent discovery.

we treat eachother the way we would like to be treated-with respect, kindness and patience.

in otherwords, we play nice together! :D
I love how friendly everyone is here, too! This is the friendliest forum I've been a member of and pretty much the only one I really post in!

I have been a member of other soap forums but no one has ever been as helpful or as nice as they have been here.
Out of 6 forums I found online this is the only one that was friendly and helpful.
No longer than I have been here I feel comfortable and like I am with friends.

You guys are great!:)
Re: x

heartsong said:
in otherwords, we play nice together! :D

Yup! EVERYTHING! I have truely developed my sudsy skills, as well as, I believe, as a person! Thanks you all!
I have just started to post on this forum and I agree that it is the most friendly forum I have been on, and everyone is so helpful. No question is too small or too silly.

Thank you everyone for making it what it is. :D
This is the only forum I post on anymore. I got soooooo tired of the uppity attitudes and intolerance of newbies on some of the other active ones. I love that you can come here, ask anything, and someone will open up their knowledge bank, without any thought to someone's inexperience, or take to protecting their precious recipes like misers.

I love the tolerance to preferences for "All Natural" or not. Animal fats vs. Veggie..... EOs vs. FOs....palm oil or not, etc. No judgements. Just friendly help in pointing people in directions they will eventually choose for themselves.

The people here are so friendly and willing to help, and really share in your delight when you work so hard to "get it right" and you finally do. I've learned so much from all of you, and I appreciate all the help, cheering me on and support you give me.

Not to mention, ya'll are some funny heifers. :wink:
yes, the wonderful support for newbies and everyone really, great sense of humor, openness to new techniques.....this is the BEST
I prolly would not have gotten up the courage to make my first batch had ya'll not given me the support and then ahhhed and ooohed over it like it was something special :) It was so great!

And there was no judgement, like "okay genius, how are you going to unmold them now"...lol..you might have thunk it, much like I did while I watched them dry, but you waited and then praised me for my inventiveness in getting them out...

Where else are people like that...You guys rock!
Like everyone else has already said - the people here make it so easy to come and just hang out. Everyone makes you feel like part of a large family of soapers and that feels nice. Also of course - the vast amounts of knowledge and know-how here. So many of you have already walked down the road and made your mistakes and are willing to help us newbies avoid those pitfalls. You just don't know how much it is appreciated!! :D This forum is by far THE BEST of all the soap making forums out there!
The support is amazing. Advice and patience for newbies was a big thing. No attitudes. Lots of positive energy. Keep it up!
No one has made me feel like an idiot, even though some of my first questions were out there. It's nice to converse with people that don't look down their noses at you. The help for a newbie and ideas abound on this forum. Thanks to all of the members.
The incredible support, wisdom, humor and kindness, from each and every member. What everyone before me has already mentioned! So happy I found this forum!

I LOVE this forum too. It isnt rocket science to make soap, you just need to be able to follow a receipe.