Weepy from heat?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
Reaction score
Idaho, USA
I made a batch of bastile today with 80% OO. It was poured this morning into a slab mold, cover with a wooden top and covered with a thin towel.

A few hours later, I noticed it was getting small droplets on the surface, thinking it was overheating and seeping FO, I uncovered it.
I just checked on it and the droplets are getting bigger. I soaked a little up with tissue and its not FO but I don't know if its caustic.
The soap its self is still a bit soft but I did use full water. I also used a bit of coconut milk in the lye solution and of course, it got lumpy and was hard to get blended in.

Its been unusually hot today, nearly 90* F and I don't have AC. Do you think the droplets are from the high temps in the house? I just placed a fan so it blows over the soap hoping to dry it up and cool it off.

I've never really had a batch form water drops like this before so I'm at a loss to the cause. I know it will either absorb or evaporate but I'm afraid its going to leave weird spots on the surface and I planned on selling this batch.
I can't speak to the heat, per se, as I have A/C but how's your humidity? I live an area that's normally in the 100's during the summer but our average humidity is about 10%. We've been getting summer monsoon rain the last week or so and now the humidity is about 40-50%. When it's dry I suffer from lots of ash, now I'm noticing more moisture like you described. I wonder if it's the combination of heat and humidity for you? We need a meteorologist to weigh in! :razz:
It is humid today, around 84% when normally its 10%-20%. I think I'm done making soap for the next month or so, it needs to cool back off.
I ended up soaking up most of the liquid, there was quite a bit more then I though but the soap looks fine. I suppose I should have done a zap test but I don't want to get burned from fresh lye solution.
Does it look like the number 4 (green apple) soap in this pic?
Then it's definitely the FO.


Don't worry; weird spots are easily removed by giving the soap a "water bath" - just dip them in a pitcher filled with warm water, place them on a towel or rack and they'll end up nice and shiny.
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It does look like #4 but I smelled it and there is no scent and its not oily.

Edit, I just checked again and there is a lot of liquid in the bottom of the mold. The soap is solid so at this point, I'm going to blame it on the excess temperature/humidity and the high amount of water I used.

Hopefully the soap turns out ok, its my first peacock swirl:(
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Hopefully the soap turns out ok, its my first peacock swirl

Oh my! I certainly hope it will recover!

Must be the humidity I guess....
Here in our tiny, much colder country, the humidity is different as the temperatures are much lower.
Just no making bath bombs when it rains. :D

Looking forward to your peacock swirl soap!
I just checked, the liquid is caustic. Hopefully it will all soak back in over night. If I have to rebatch, it will be a ugly blob of grey:(

I really dislike this humidity, I want my dry heat back. Even the little single cavity I filled with the extra batter is weepy.

Here it is freshly poured. Didn't swirl as well as I wanted, it got too thick. Its white on the bottom.
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Oh no. :(
I hope it turns out fine.
It could definitely be the weather factor. I rarely soap in hot or humid weather. I had few soaps that badly overheated in Australian summer or gel super quickly. Now, if it's more then 30C there's no soaping for me.
This has happened to me and I do blame it on the weather and full water. Patience. Most of mine seeped back in and even when I wiped some off the soap still turned out fine.
Good news, most all the liquid soaked back in and I was able to unmold. I cut the slab into quarters so it can start to dry a bit quicker, its still really soft like brie cheese but at least its soap.

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