Vanilla FO color change...any photos?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2011
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I made the most beautiful pumpkin soap last night with pumpkin puree and vanilla pumpkin pie FO. I already know the gorgeous pumpkin color is going to turn ugly brown but I wanted to know what I was in for. Does anyone have photos of the color change? At what age does the color stay the way it is?
No pics, but it's my understanding that pumpkin retains some of it's color. Love to see what you end up with.
I'll take a photo when I get home from work. Right now it looks just like the canned pumpkin.

Kinda surprised that with the milk sugar and the pumpkin sugar, I only had a hint of partial gel. I was sure it was going to be a partial gel hell.
adopt...I make a pumpkin with a cinnamon stays a nice dark pumpkiny orange with a darker brown swirl but I use a local pumpkin fragrance that must not have alot of was my first CP soap for my use before I knew anything about vanilla turning brown...I think I have a piece left which is probably almost 3 years old and it's the same. So, Carebear is right....if your pumpkin fo doesn't have alot of vanilla, it should stay a nice darker pumpkin orange. I will try and take a pic in few days.
I need to learn how to read. The lovely pumpkin color will end up brown. Exactly how brown will depend on the FO. Lots of vanilla means very dark brown.
I made some soap using a vanilla fragrance oil and it discolored to a very deep brown, and now they look like chocolate brownies. :p

Here is my picture comparison
Oooh, what a drastic change over time! I do love the color though, as it reminds me of milk chocolate! :)