Using Rancid Goose Fat in Soap

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2021
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Middle Earth or Metropolis
Hello all! I am asking this question for a friend. She has about a quart of rendered goose fat that she found in her freezer that has gone rancid. She's wondering if it would be okay to use for soap making if she does 0% superfat as she read somewhere that it was okay to. I recommended adding citric acid too as a preservative. My friend is also wondering how she should incorporate the fat into a recipe.

I came up with this:
Goose Fat 45%
Lard 30%
Coconut Oil 20% (Yes, I know that's high for some people)
Castor Oil 5%

0% Superfat
33% Lye concentration
Citric acid at 3% of oils

Let me know what you think. Thanks in advance!
Looks okay to me but I would skip the lard and use all goose fat.

I would also use the Search feature located in the upper right corner of this page to read threads about using "rancid oils". It has been discussed many times before.

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Looks okay to me but I would skip the lard and use all goose fat.

I would also use the Search feature located in the upper right corner of this page to read threads about using "rancid oils". It has been discussed many times before.

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That’s a lot of geese I think. The geese I’ve seen may have an ounce or two rendered fat each.👍
That’s a lot of geese I think. The geese I’ve seen may have an ounce or two rendered fat each.👍
I just came onto the site to look for references to goose fat; my sweetie just came back from hunting geese, and he brought a bunch of goose fat for me to use in soap! That dear man even rendered the fat for me 🥰🥰. Most of the geese (snows and a few Canadas) had a LOT of fat after a summer of eating everything in sight, way up north.
I’m going to make a batch this afternoon; nice to have such a beautiful fresh ingredient for my soap.
Looks okay to me but I would skip the lard and use all goose fat.

I would also use the Search feature located in the upper right corner of this page to read threads about using "rancid oils". It has been discussed many times before.

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@Zany_in_CO I was going in a different direction with my recipe, but think I will follow your advice and up the percentage of goose fat! I have about 10 litres of it so what the heck… Thanks for the recipe!

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