Hey guys new to the forum, and new to the soap making world and process. First off Im a hobbyist in many different projects and thoroughly enjoy making my own projects. That being said Im currently in an en-devour on making an alternative toothpaste. I am using a soap making process to do so, I will be using a hot process, my trouble is what processes can remove the glycerin from the soap because glycerin coats teeth so I need to remove that from the soap. I have seen or read about "boiling it off" and " salting" both which I cant find real reliable information. I think I am capable of the hot process up to where I would boil it off or salt it, any help on these process would be appreciated. also I am looking to incorporate baking soda into my recipe to help neutralize any soap flavor any ideas on when the best time to add the baking soda would be, IE at the begining with my oils before the lye, or after when I am adding my flavors and colors. Any help with this project would be greatly appreciated. thanks