TOG mold question

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Deda said:
I've ordered new silicone molds, trying to be patient while there made.

Same here. I just ordered mine yesterday. Who is making yours Deda? I decided to go with Woodfields.

tog molds

My tog molds leaked too. And stained.

I haven't had good luck with wood molds at all except one from a company whose name I refuse to use which stopped selling them abruptly then refused to tell its customers where they could get them...even though they knew how I could get them. (Snarky, snarky) :roll:

I've found wood mold makers all claim they don't leak...and they do.

I've had better luck with my Soap Hutch molds. I have a three-chamber mold which I love and I just ordered two more uprights. They're plexiglass and they don't leak, even with MP. I love them. I can line, or not and the soap logs come out great. He just doesn't make them fast enough, but once you get them...they're great.

Chase Creative has great silicone molds...and he makes molds to spec.
I found them after Upland seemed like they would never open for business again, and I've used Chase for silicone molds ever since.
I don't understand what the wood has to do with them leaking. It's the liner that leaks on the TOG molds not the wood itself. His liners are foam that is adhered at the seams. But a silicone liner is all one unit with no seams so that's why I'm going to try it out.
zeoplum said:
It's the liner that leaks on the TOG molds not the wood itself. His liners are foam that is adhered at the seams.

The liners didn't adhere...that was the problem for me. Most often the soap got between the liner and the wood and leaked all over the place. Or the liner just floated to the top...Mostly a real mess for me.
I am sure everyone almost remembers my horrid problems with these molds. I was the one who gave him the idea to make the 1lb molds for testing. And I was his first big order spent well over 400 + dollars on these molds for them to leak and fall apart to be thrown away in a matter of months... :roll: no more I have said enough
smellitlikeitissoaps said:
I am sure everyone almost remembers my horrid problems with these molds. I was the one who gave him the idea to make the 1lb molds for testing. And I was his first big order spent well over 400 + dollars on these molds for them to leak and fall apart to be thrown away in a matter of months... :roll: no more I have said enough

Your TOG molds shouldn't leak & Paul says they won't, so maybe you could contact him. Good luck!!!!
Having just spent the best part of an hour cleaning up my TOG mold which leaked after pouring at what I thought was a good medium trace, I am a bit grumpy....however, I do agree that wood molds per se should not leak. I have one that does not leak but it does not come apart either. I have to line it with freezer paper which is not such a big deal but then I am not in production. The problem with my leaking molds is that both long sides are held in with wooden pegs and you can not get a tight enough seal that way and you have to be careful to get it all lined up right. As the soap leaks, the wood can swell, soap can get into the peg holes. well, the problems go on and on. My mini log has been used about 60 times and if I get everything lined up correctly and pour at a reasonable trace, I don't leak any more. My 2 lb leaked last night, it does not get used as much as I prefer my Kelsie and my Chase molds in that size. I am moving more and more to pouring at light trace for design reasons also...swirls mostly, so the TOGs are less and less a part of my soaping life. Too bad because I always get a good gel right to the corners. My Togs are out of production now as he has another design that is offered. My foam liners are in 5 pieces . The soap can get under them and that is a mess too.
SoapHutch molds intrigue me but I wonder if it is difficult to get gel with them.
HDPE doesn't insulate as well as wood so there is a learning curve for getting full gel. I like to warm my molds in the oven (preheat to 170 then turn OFF BEFORE putting the mold in there. Set the mold on a towel or even a pan to keep the hot rack from melting the bottom of your mold and leaving marks (ask me how I know - no real damage, just bugs me LOL). You can also soap warmer, set your mold on a hot pad, or insulate more than before - its a customizing thing.
Carebear, thanks for your quick reply. Just what I thought about gelling in those molds. I guess there is a learning curve there...but I sure have had to learn to deal with my TOGs and it is an ongoing process since new issues keep popping up or leaking out! I have a Kelsie that is probably made out of somewhat similar material and often I use that one for my gm soaps that I don't gel. Love making a little primitive swirl in that one. :) I have used a heating pad with that one to force gel.
I know this defeats the purpose but what if we line the tog molds so we can use it?
mandolyn said:
smellitlikeitissoaps said:
I am sure everyone almost remembers my horrid problems with these molds. I was the one who gave him the idea to make the 1lb molds for testing. And I was his first big order spent well over 400 + dollars on these molds for them to leak and fall apart to be thrown away in a matter of months... :roll: no more I have said enough

Your TOG molds shouldn't leak & Paul says they won't, so maybe you could contact him. Good luck!!!!

I am the very reason why he says they dont leak now. And I did ask for a refund which I was told was my fault because I pour at light trace. I shouldnt be in this conversation.. because i was banned because of this very subject and so called company.

Just know.. its always your fault.. not his.. smh
i still put a plastic bag to line my tog mold, then the foam sides in.
smellitlikeitissoaps said:
I shouldnt be in this conversation.. because i was banned because of this very subject and so called company.

Just know.. its always your fault.. not his.. smh

Well, just like he had the right to ban people who complained while he had the power to do so, we have the right to speak up about the truth now so that others don't fall prey to the misleading claims that they are "the best molds and liners in the soap making world".

If people hadn't been so scared of speaking up about their experiences in the past, I wouldn't have wasted my money. But I was naive enough to only ask on the forum where he still had that control and people were scared. Naive me!

FYI: If we are going to tell it, let's tell it straght: Paul never had the right to ban anyone from this forum. At that time Mandy was the only admin (owner) she did all the banning & took a Mod vote before she did so. -Tabitha
smellitlikeitissoaps said:
mandolyn said:
smellitlikeitissoaps said:
I am sure everyone almost remembers my horrid problems with these molds. I was the one who gave him the idea to make the 1lb molds for testing. And I was his first big order spent well over 400 + dollars on these molds for them to leak and fall apart to be thrown away in a matter of months... :roll: no more I have said enough

Your TOG molds shouldn't leak & Paul says they won't, so maybe you could contact him. Good luck!!!!

I am the very reason why he says they dont leak now. And I did ask for a refund which I was told was my fault because I pour at light trace. I shouldnt be in this conversation.. because i was banned because of this very subject and so called company.

Just know.. its always your fault.. not his.. smh

Personally I say worry not about your banning - I believe that matter has been resolved here. I, for one, am thrilled that people can now speak openly and honestly about experiences with TOG molds without fear of reprisal. That is the reason these forums thrive - because we can share and learn from each other and hopefully avoid some of the mistakes that others have made.

Sharing good experiences and bad, trials and tribulations, large and small, important or silly - that is what makes this a community that fun, interesting, and above all useful.

There are folks who have had good experience with TOG molds and folks who have had bad. I think it's in our best interest to allow both to post freely. Not just about TOG but other makers as well.

I've probably been guilty of making sweeping statements without a lot of detail to back them up, and for that I apologize. Without those details of what went awry how can anyone make their own educated decisions? So I will try to do better.

Because there are SO many soaping styles and variations that what works for me may not for you - and just as important the reverse may hold too.
I almost bought some TOG's. They would have cost me a considerable amount of money, what with the exchange rate, and postage/shipping as well, and I would have had to pay insurance on top.
I wasn't prepared to part with that much money for a product that I have heard too many bad things about.
And you are right Carebear, everyone has their own unique way of doing things. I pour at light trace, so from the sounds of it, these moulds would not have worked for me anyway. I am grateful for the honest feedback that was given, because I would have been very disappointed if I had of parted with that much money and been disatisfied.

Just as a matter of interest, does anyone not pour at light trace? I find that I have more control over my batch at light trace, but for a funnel swirl I do like to go for medium/light trace, for better definition between the colours.
medium-light here.

because I soap a lot of high solid-oils soaps I risk false trace if I pour too thin.
zeoplum said:
smellitlikeitissoaps said:
I shouldnt be in this conversation.. because i was banned because of this very subject and so called company.

Just know.. its always your fault.. not his.. smh

Well, just like he had the right to ban people who complained while he had the power to do so, we have the right to speak up about the truth now so that others don't fall prey to the misleading claims that they are "the best molds and liners in the soap making world".

If people hadn't been so scared of speaking up about their experiences in the past, I wouldn't have wasted my money. But I was naive enough to only ask on the forum where he still had that control and people were scared. Naive me!

I was one of those people. I loved my first TOG mold & there are countless posts on this forum from me saying how great they were. Then I purchased a log with a permanent liner. I couldn't get the soap out of it. Then I bought the 12/24 slab mold with the bad pseudo-silicone liner. I should've known better by then. The liner started tearing at the corners the first time I used it, & by then the uproar with other customers took place.

I threw my liner in the trash this week. I ordered a true one piece silicone liner from Larry at Woodfields Woods. It's not a perfect fit, but with a shim on one end it works perfectly!!

It wasn't just the bad TOG molds, it was the banning of people who told the truth about TOG molds, & Paul's not owning his bad liners & molds & telling customers it was their fault they had problems, & all that from a man who professed to be our friend right here on this forum! This is where he hooked a whole bunch of us.

Again: People were not banned for telling the truth, the people who were banned took place in a public fight, nasty name calling etc. I couldn't give a rat butt if anyone does or does not like the TOG mold. I have never bought one, but NO ONE was banned for telling the truth. That is just BS.

Well, the blinders are off, & I'm telling everyone who asks, the truth about TOG molds. Buyer Beware!
I used to read here all the time, but didn't join because it irritated me that every time someone said ANYTHING about a mold, the TOG guy would come on and plug his wares.
It turned me off this forum, but I came back recently and am really liking the feel here.

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