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Well-Known Member
May 15, 2011
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South America (USA Expat)
Wow, I've been absorbed in the forum all day! There is just so much ressource, so much to learn!
Each time I open a new post I learn something new which arises new doubts/questions but before I have time to ask I find the answers in other posts.

I'm new to soap making. I still haven't got to making soap although I had first wanted to try 3 years ago. I keed finding good reasons to not start just now.
When I first encountered home made soap making we were planning a move so I didn't want to start a new project during that time.
Then we traveled for over a year so lugging soap material was out of the question and it slipped out of my mind.
Now that we are installed in our new home, it just slipped back in and I am dead stuck on trying now that I can.

One liable excuse is my one month old daughter that I breastfeed. I have to stay available for her. I thought I might have to put it off until she is at least 6 months or so and doesn't need me so much. But then I wondered how long the soap making actually takes. Before I had the time to ask I found the anwser. And I take your advice as to divide the work. I guess I'll prepare everything throughout one day (or two, or three) and only mix the lye and water and then soap when I'm sure she'll be ok and not need me for an hour or two. And I might also do a dry run, as if to make me more secure in what I'm doing. Anyway, I might take a month or two just assembling the supplies...

I usually skip the introduction board in forums, but I really felt like saying a big thank you to the people who hold this all together and all the contributors of course :)
Welcome delicious! Hope you manage to find the time to soap. It's challenging with a little one. Make sure to post pics of your soaps when you have some.
If you have everything pre-measured and your lye mixed and cooled, the actual blending and pouring of the soap into the mold only takes about 10 minutes.

However, if you're nursing, be really careful with fragrances as some essential oils and aroma chemicals can be transferred through the skin and might not be good for baby (or mom!)

Goggles, gloves, closed toe shoes and clothing that covers your whole body is a must.

Have your baby in one room and your soaping in another. Do NOT attend to your baby until you're absolutely sure that you're completely clean and lye free. Better still, have another adult present while you're soaping.

Hope this doesn't sound too bossy or paranoid. I just want you and your baby to be safe. As a mom, I know the impulse to drop everything and come running when your child needs you. And how easy it is to make mistakes if you are sleep-deprived.

Accidents can happen even if it's just you and your soap pot. Chances are, though, if you observe common sense precautions, you'll be fine.
Yes of course. I absolutely understand.
It would be my biggest fear to hurt my child in the process.

I'll do it only when I have several other pairs of arms to help. Like my sister to take care of my daughter and my hubby to help me and maybe take over if I really have to go.

And if I feel that it's not a good day for her, I'll cancel with no second thought (say she's not in the mood to stay away from me).

Plus, I'll change and take a shower to be real sure there is nothing left on me.

The other day I was sanding a pine board to make the soap mold and I needed to interrupt to take care of my daughter. Well I felt the need to clean off the sawdust before I took her. Sawdust is by no way as harmful as lye!

Concerning EOs... I'm not much a fan of super strong scents, so I'll do the minimum. I haven't decided on a scent yet, I was thinking of a either neroli or jasmine... I think those should be ok, right?
If you've got backup while you're soaping, then go for it!

I find soaping to be a terrific stress reliever and so nice to make something with your own hands and remind yourself that you're not just a wife and mother but your own person too.

You might want to start with an unscented soap that would be nice for baby. You can get really cute little silicone and plastic molds to make fun shapes as your baby gets older.


ETA I have seen information about which fragrances are not safe for pregnant women but not similar information for breastfeeding. As soap is not a leave on product, it's probably not a big deal unless you happen to absorb some aromachemicals through your skin by accident. In either event, probably best to consult with your health practitioner first.