Spring ChEEr!

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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2012
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Central Louisiana
I find that this time of the year I am very grateful for living in the South. Most people that live in the North are TIRED of the winter and SO ready for spring. And some people suffer from SAD(Seasonal Affective
Disorder) to some degree. So lets try to cheer up all our Northern friends:D

This is a little flower arrangement that I picked from the yard to bring the spring indoors the other day. I thought I would share. I wish you could smell how deliciously sweet it is.

spring bouquet.jpg
They're so gorgeous!

Our trees are bare & everything's covered in about 3 feet of snow up here in WI, so I am so ready for real spring to come.
Genny -it has been a bit warmer just a bit south of you and I have a few bare spots in the yard (mostly under downspouts). But I am so over winter. If we get another massive snow storm I may just cry (and since it is only March 1st, odds are we will.) The job in Florida looks better and better every day!
The flowers are beautiful, but now I'm just jealous! :wink: In upstate NY I don't think I've seen the grass since before Christmas!
Thanks! That's so sweet of you! I actually do suffer from SAD, but also seasonal allergies....I can't win. Winter is great because my sinuses are clear, but I get so bummed by the constant state of gray! And spring is beautiful! But I get horrible, terrible, no good, very bad sinus infections every spring with tree pollen!
Thanks for the flowers! You must have a lovely garden.

I think it should be SA, not SAD. Who doesn't get depressed by constant gloom and cold? How is that a disorder? I am so ready for spring. I'm from Virginia, but I've been stationed in Hawaii and California for the last ten years until now, so this is my first real winter in a long time.

We have one tree flowering in the state of Virginia. It's in a yard around the corner from me. The flowers must have just spontaneously burst into being, because there has been no sign of life until now. And this little plum tree does make me smile!
Thanks! That's so sweet of you! I actually do suffer from SAD, but also seasonal allergies....I can't win. Winter is great because my sinuses are clear, but I get so bummed by the constant state of gray! And spring is beautiful! But I get horrible, terrible, no good, very bad sinus infections every spring with tree pollen!

Allergies! UGH! I just started giving my two kids allergy shots. They tested + for feathers, grasses, trees, molds etc......now how are you supposed to get away from any of that if you live in the humid south? LOL The shots are already helping. I don't know if I can bring myself to do the shots though :/
Thanks for the flowers! You must have a lovely garden.

I think it should be SA, not SAD. Who doesn't get depressed by constant gloom and cold? How is that a disorder? I am so ready for spring. I'm from Virginia, but I've been stationed in Hawaii and California for the last ten years until now, so this is my first real winter in a long time.

We have one tree flowering in the state of Virginia. It's in a yard around the corner from me. The flowers must have just spontaneously burst into being, because there has been no sign of life until now. And this little plum tree does make me smile!

Apparently some people are not bothered by it. My vit D levels tank out even here in the south. That makes energy a precious commodity. I almost look forward to that first sunburn of the spring. lol.

The Tulip trees and Red bud trees are starting to bloom now. I may be able to get a good pic of one of those. They can be stunning depending on the surroundings.

Anyone have any crocus blooming? I think they come up even in the snow. But we don't have any. We do have these little shiny yellow wildflowers everywhere though.
Beautiful pictures! We still have snow on the ground here and yesterday we had freezing rain. I am looking forward to Spring here though I am another allergy sufferer as well...
Beautiful pictures! We still have snow on the ground here and yesterday we had freezing rain. I am looking forward to Spring here though I am another allergy sufferer as well...

Just noticed you are from Western Mass! I am your neighbor. I live in CT, right on the Ma. border... just outside of Springfield :)

YES... I am very, very jealous of those beautiful flowers. But... it is March 1st so spring will be here soon. I definetly suffer from SAD.
Just noticed you are from Western Mass! I am your neighbor. I live in CT, right on the Ma. border... just outside of Springfield :)

My sister lives in CT and I was actually born in CT.. I was actually thinking that some of us New England Soapers should get together and do a soap swap or something :) (After I start making CP soaps ;-) )

I know another person on the list is from Worcester. I am in Fitchburg, but even getting together to just hang out and chat would be fun :)
No spring here, we just hit our first day of Autumn here and winter starts the 1st June.
I am so tired of the dreary winter here in Maryland!! No snow to look at and think how pretty it is...and no sun to warm the body...nothing green to cheer you up...just gray...everywhere...I really miss Georgia this time of year! Thanks so much for the Southern Cheer!
Thanks for the flowers! You must have a lovely garden.

I think it should be SA, not SAD. Who doesn't get depressed by constant gloom and cold? How is that a disorder? I am so ready for spring. I'm from Virginia, but I've been stationed in Hawaii and California for the last ten years until now, so this is my first real winter in a long time.


Not sure if it is a rhetorical question, but it becomes a disorder when one can not function normally. Went to the doctor earlier this week because of it. Now I am on a super strength folic acid, and I think it is going to help. I had reached a point where not only was I tired and felt gloomy, but any little break in routine would overwhelm me.

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