SLS and SDS in CP Soap - Lindy

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Jan 2, 2013
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I would like to thank the users on here who privately messaged me with answers to my questions about SLS and SDS in CP soap. This forum seems like I could be a very good resource if it wasnt for some of the moderators on here. In specific I was messaged privately by people who flat out said they would not answer in forum because Lindy had stated her opinion and they were afraid of her attempts to ban them because she doesnt like it when people disagree with her. I can see why, once I disagreed with her she locked my post so that no one could answer my question. I hope that the admins on here eventually root out the people on here like her. It would make the forum a much more useful tool. Anyway, some people just ruin things. Again, thank you to the useful people on here. Lindy, I hope that someday you will figure out how to be useful too. That said, I am sure she will now pursue having me removed from the forum and my posts deleted. Goodbye everyone and good luck.
Don't give up on us yet!! I'm not afraid of any of the mods and admins here, and I've just posted a new thread just for you.

Lindy is taking her job here a bit too seriously, no question, but she means well. Locking the thread and ending the discussion was overboard. I don't think we need that kind of babysitting here, considering we're all adults.
I have no idea what went on that caused this post because this is the first post I've read this morning, but I have to say that publicly bashing a moderator or a long time member of a forum is not a good way to get advice & help in a forum.

As for adding SLS to CP soap, it's been done. I don't know that it's been done successfully. The problem with surfactants is that they can affect ph. Messing with the ph of soap can be messy & sometimes people end up with a caustic blob that isn't soap.

I have nothing against surfactants that contain sulfates, I've used them in bubble bars & when I attempted a syndet bar. But I'm also not an "all natural" type of person & never will be.

Now off to read what started this whole thing.
I came across this thread last night, and resisted responding, but I really can't hold off any more.

I have learned a lot from this forum, from all of the posters on it. To specifically address Lindy, she is a very exprienced soaper with a wealth of knowledge to share.

If you have a concern with how moderating decisions are made, the right way to deal with it would be to pm an admin. You can see who the admins are in the announcement forum, if you are unsure.

This applies to any board, not just this one. Publically lambasting a moderator and saying you hope they figure out how to be useful is disingenuous at best.
I don't know the answer to the sls question but have you tried adding sugar to boost lather?
I believe it goes something like: add 1 tablespoon of sugar per pound of oil into your lye water.
Good luck in your search for the answer to your sls question.
I also just wanted to add that there are what are considered to be "natural" surfactants if you want to go that route.
One more thing, I don't know when you'd add a surfactant like SLS in an oil based product like CP soap becuase it's a water soluble ingredient.
Nobody is "bashing" anyone here.

Can we please get off the drama train? I'm a member on a few boards, and there is such a thing as a mod overstepping; I see it all the time. Who cares! We're all only humans, in addition to the fact that it's sometimes difficult to make yourself understood on message boards. Can we please be adults here and put this to bed?
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