*sigh* ANOTHER one for rebatch....

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2011
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I swear I'm having no luck lately. About 1 of every 3 batches are going horribly wrong and I'm forced to rebatch. This one is my own fault....I should have read up on the FO more before jumping into it. The FO was NG's Absinthe. The website said "Mild ricing" Ok...no biggy...I can deal with that. Yeah....MAJOR ricing....MAJOR acceleration....and then it separated in the mold (the FO separated out). It was everything I could do to get it colored and slammed into the mold.... I had HOPED that I saved it...but I didn't.

The colors were what I wanted....the scent is awesome.....and I don't think I'll ever use this FO again. (That's why we do test batches right? hehehe)

I'm sorry for your disappointment... Loving the look of this soap though. I've heard lots about this FO, I need to give it a try! (maybe not from NG? lol)
I started chunking it up for the rebatch and FO and lye water is just OOOOOZING out of this thing....I think it's a good time to rob a bank....my fingerprints will take a little bit to grow back. Heheheh.

I hear "Daystar's" performs better. And that this FO WILL work if you treat it right....(Soap COOL, move fast, dont try to do too much, and add it after you've done all your color and such.)
Apparently neither of us read closely enough. I did the same thing with the same FO a week ago

And now it looks like......

Donkey Poop....

Still smells great though, and I have an idea for what to do with it after it hardens up a bit......so all is not lost!

What a coincedence! I just placed an odor for Donkey Poop FO :lol:

Edit: Apparently, I can't spell. I meant order not odor. But i am leaving it because the pun is great
Tegan, I LOVE the layering idea you have going in the first pic it reminds me of the coloured sand you get in a bottle.
Can you post a pic of the cut rebatch, pleeeease :D
I will...it's still pretty darn soft. I added more water then normal to the rebatch hoping that if I could melt it "in place" I could do minimum mixing and then still end up with colors instead of a big green/brown poop lump. Well.....I got a big green/brown poop lump and soft soap LOL.

I'll take a look at it tonight and see if I can freeze and unmold but more then likely it will be a few days.
Donkey poop! LOL, ask Hazel about my dragon poop soap. It was dark brown and crunchy looking and smelled of dragons blood. I sent her a bar and she was afraid to touch it because it looked so much like poo.

It happens to the best of us, but that's part of what makes it so much fun!
Tegan said:
I will...it's still pretty darn soft. I added more water then normal to the rebatch hoping that if I could melt it "in place" I could do minimum mixing and then still end up with colors instead of a big green/brown poop lump. Well.....I got a big green/brown poop lump and soft soap LOL.

I'll take a look at it tonight and see if I can freeze and unmold but more then likely it will be a few days.

I had to do this to my swap soap actually... my fo misbehaved SEVERELY. So my soap may be a little softer for a while but I'm hoping the dry weather headed my way will suck the water out before I have to send them. So far it's looking good...
I wasn't planning on using this one for my swap soap, but I can use part of it, so it won't go to waste. You guys are going to laugh your butts off when you see what I have planned!