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Well-Known Member
Jan 12, 2014
Reaction score
Over in this thread I was asking for advice on how to make my recipe less soluble. I played around with some of the suggestions I was given and I've come up with two different versions that are vegan and one with lard. What do you think?

#1 Vegan
8% SF

Sweet Almond - 5%
Avocado - 5%
Castor - 5%
Coconut - 22%
Mango - 10%
Olive - 48%
Sunflower - 5%

Hardness - 32
Cleansing - 15
Conditioning - 64
Bubbly - 19
Creamy - 22
Iodine - 68
INS - 139

#2 Vegan
6% SF

Sweet Almond - 5%
Avocado - 5%
Castor - 5%
Coconut - 20%
Cocoa - 10%
Olive - 50%
Sunflower - 5%

Hardness - 32
Cleansing - 13
Conditioning - 64
Bubbly - 18
Creamy - 24
Iodine - 68
INS - 137

6% SF

Sweet Almond - 5%
Avocado - 5%
Castor - 5%
Coconut - 20%
Lard - 20%
Olive - 40%
Sunflower - 5%

Hardness - 33
Cleansing - 14
Conditioning - 62
Bubbly - 18
Creamy - 24
Iodine - 68
INS - 139

Also, is 32% water discount too much?

Thank you!
I can't help with the others because I do not use those oils.

However, on the lard one, you still have quite a high percentage of liquid oils to solid ones. I would up the lard to somewhere closer to 30-35%, and decrease the liquid oils by that much. Leave the castor oil at 5%.
Ok. I'll run that through SoapCalc. I was just going off the hardness number because I have a soap that was a 31 and is going on its second month of use. I figured that it was a good number to base off of.
32% water is not too much of a discount; I have used as low as 26% without problems in soap that I'm not messing around with colors. I didn't specifically choose that number, it's just what it came to when I specified a 2:1 water to lye ratio (which I commonly use). I like a good water discount because the soap is firmer right off the bat, and it may be less prone to ash too.

Have you checked out this thread that discusses hardness vs. solubility?
I actually have read through that thread at some point but I reread it again. Thank you for mentioning it.