Prayers needed please.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2009
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Haven't been on too much in the last few days. I found out Sunday morning that my youngest brother was killed in a car accident late Saturday night. Things are really crazy right now, to say the leaset. My brother is flying in from Japan & his flight gets in tonight, the funeral is tomorrow & my kids have TAKS tests this week. My wonderful husband is taking care of them, I'm picking my brother up from the airport, & heading to my parent's house tonight. I went there yesterday (it's a 3 hr drive) and came back home last night. I could really use all the prayers, vibes & good thoughts you guys could spare.
I am so incredibily sorry to hear about your brother. What a tragedy. Know that we are sending positive energy and strength for you and your family at such a terrible time. Wishing you the best through all of this...
I am so sorry for your loss , prayers and good vibes being sent to you and your family . I think we will all be thinking of you often and sending thoughts for the strength you and your family need to get through this tragedy. My heart goes out to you.

{{{Angbaby}}} I am so sorry this has happened - I know what you're going through as I lost my Big Brother a coulple of years ago. My prayers, heart and healing wishes are with you and your family...

Oh, Ang - I am so so sorry. Your family will be in our thoughts.
Your family will be in our thoughts.

I lost my little brother 2 years ago. Doesn't seem real does it?
Ang, know we are all proud of you are a strong woman who can do what needs to be done, but make sure your needs are met through this time too.

Hugs & Prayers,

oh ang, soo sorry to hear this. you and yours are on my prayer list, as well as my sisters.
angbaby, i'm not sure I can tell you anything different than what everyone has already said so I just want you to know I really do feel for you and your family and you will be in my prayers, may the Lord mend your heart and brokeness with much love and gentleness.

Special and caring hugs here from Australia.
How awful...! I'm so sorry your family is going through this terrible tragedy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hang in there.
My prayers are with you and your family, during this difficult time.

God Bless You.
So very sorry to read your post. I add my condolences to the long list of supporters before me.

Take Care,

Thank you's to everyone. Your thoughts & prayers are deeply appreciated. I wanted to post something on here last night, but couldn't get through the tears. It's so wonderful to know that all of you, my friends, whom I have yet to meet in person, have so many kind words for me. Today was a new day, and the beginning of the healing process. I will miss my brother forever, but I am slowly coming to terms with his absence.

I just wanted to let you all know how wonderful you are. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

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